Hippie Week

Also, due to the change of our young people's minds...the questioning of most everything...just because "I told you to", wasn't sufficient anymore...right?...you, who are my age, know what I am talking about...the button down shirt and minds...gave way to the open neck and nehru collars...or, whatever we wanted to wear...or thought...there must be a reason for what we were doing...
Lost in translation, were the adults...as they only knew the other...it was a dramatic difference in 'cultures'...or eras...or generations...thus, the hippie generation was born...there were some terrific songs of the time...shoot, most colleges and universities were havens for the movement...I guess you could call it that...a time to rethink what was going on...
Was it universal throughout the world?...I doubt it...I didn't know, still don't...my world was what I saw right around me...think about this...what YOU, er, WE, saw on the television...was still from the other generation...did we believe it?...was it still the spoon fed info that THEY wanted US to see?...you betcha...
Our favs, were the shows that chose to represent what we were all about...like the Smothers Brothers...who time after time, would attempt to get the 'Hippie' message out...and were turned away at most efforts...until they got canned...too much for THE CBS dudes...
Most of the drama came to a close, when we finally exited from Vietnam...so, maybe, just maybe, that was the trigger point more than I thought...
The mood?...distrusting...
The ignorance?...robust...
Mayor Dailey?...bully...
Prez Nixon?...impeached...
The draft?...terrifying...
The music?...escaping...
'What the World Needs Now'...Jackie DeShannon...'For What It's Worth'...Buffalo Springfield...'White Rabbit'...Jefferson Airplane...'San Francisco'...Scott McKenzie...'Sunshine of Your Love'...Cream...'Ohio'...CSNY...'Going Up The Country'...Canned Heat...'Fortunate Son'...CCR...
Just some of 'em...what can YOU add?...
'One toke over the line, Sweet Jesus'...where did that come from?...
Peace out kids...