30 Hours
Wooah, the Horse is up REAL early today...like 3:30!...tried to get back to sleep...gave in and made a pot of coffee...and started reading...of course, there were some Trump Tweets already out there...which are getting more and more accusatory and pointed...at the Prosecutor Mueller...
In all my time of observing the acts of the President...any Prez, there are none that match what we are seeing, hearing, and reading...about and FROM him...that teeter on the line of total embarrassment, but legally damaging...perhaps, even to keeping his job...
30 HOURS...referring to the amount of interrogation that the White House Counsel, Don McGahn, has endured to the Prosecutor Mueller...doesn't that seem like a very loooonnng time?...a fact that doesn't get by Trump, who had the audacity to Tweet, 'I could be running the collusion investigation'...does this mean he is thinking of firing Mueller?...
Hmmm, didn't Nixon fire many of his confidants, as his wall was crumbling around him in the Watergate break in?...is this not eerily similar?...
Think about this...his own personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is about to get charged with many millions of dollars for bank fraud...the underlying segment of all this...is that Cohen may divulge incriminating things about Trump, to get his sentence lightened...
And the bizarre...Donny must have sent his present wife, Melania, out on that speaking engagement...addressing 'bullying'...as he was lambasting his former employee, Omarosa...calling her many things, 'ie a dog'...not to forget his 'Lyin Ted', 'Little Marco', 'Crooked Hillary'...for a most disgusting look at his candor...the NY Times ran a list of all the awful things that he has written or said...about people that he disagrees with, or DISAGREES with him...'The 487 People, Places, and Things that Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter: the complete list'...Google it...oh my...there is no bigger bully in the history of the word...maybe World...
Let's move on...(really)...
Somehow we ended up at Nolita Hall last night...many thanks to Lara Hamm for setting us up there...took care of us...after an interesting nite of nites...there is this wall thang...ah hem, already constructed...that borders (sorry kids, to use this) the Children's Museum and our condo building...and the powers to be, want it painted, in mural form...you get it?...well, there was a presentation of the project to us, the Pinnacle Homeowners last eve...which started the nite...'meet the artists' thang...and also, a fundraising gathering, if you will...as it will cost $40 grand to do it...we are not opposed to it, but will give no more than a $100 if it is indeed going to happen...
I'm sure our parents weren't too thrilled with Elvis Presley back in the day...as we aren't too excited about the pop music that is out there now...the VMA's sort of had some on it...interestingly, a couple of the older rockers were there...trying to stay relevant, I suppose...JLo, still warbling and gyrating...and for the tribute to the recently deceased, Aretha...they brought out the disgusting Madonna...who spent most of her talk, referring to herself...yuck...
Terrifying and deadly...in South Carolina...a woman, walking her dog, was drug into a lagoon and killed...by a GATOR!...I can't tell ya how many times, I have played golf in Florida...and I NEVER try to retrieve my errant shots in ANY water there...of course, the simple thing is to not hit the balls in them ponds...right, you do know who is hitting them...never straight...
Scooter mania...have they arrived at your hometown streets yet?...get the app, then use your smart phone and pop onto the screen the code...and voila, climb aboard and travel the streets at up to 15 mph...there you go...most have no helmets...zigzag amongst walkers and cars...in fact, they have surpassed the bikes...which now are being junked in lieu of the scooters...does anyone walk anymore?...
The ever changing mind set of relocation...goes in and out of our brains...and has rekindled, again...whether it be by vagabonding, or full out, packing our bags, and going...it intrigues and motivates us...for a new beginning of sorts...we spent many hours in discussion over the topic...and yes, the idea is there...decisions decisions decisions ....
Wow, it's only 6 am...and I'm done...a nap appears to be in order...
In all my time of observing the acts of the President...any Prez, there are none that match what we are seeing, hearing, and reading...about and FROM him...that teeter on the line of total embarrassment, but legally damaging...perhaps, even to keeping his job...
30 HOURS...referring to the amount of interrogation that the White House Counsel, Don McGahn, has endured to the Prosecutor Mueller...doesn't that seem like a very loooonnng time?...a fact that doesn't get by Trump, who had the audacity to Tweet, 'I could be running the collusion investigation'...does this mean he is thinking of firing Mueller?...
Hmmm, didn't Nixon fire many of his confidants, as his wall was crumbling around him in the Watergate break in?...is this not eerily similar?...
Think about this...his own personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is about to get charged with many millions of dollars for bank fraud...the underlying segment of all this...is that Cohen may divulge incriminating things about Trump, to get his sentence lightened...
And the bizarre...Donny must have sent his present wife, Melania, out on that speaking engagement...addressing 'bullying'...as he was lambasting his former employee, Omarosa...calling her many things, 'ie a dog'...not to forget his 'Lyin Ted', 'Little Marco', 'Crooked Hillary'...for a most disgusting look at his candor...the NY Times ran a list of all the awful things that he has written or said...about people that he disagrees with, or DISAGREES with him...'The 487 People, Places, and Things that Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter: the complete list'...Google it...oh my...there is no bigger bully in the history of the word...maybe World...
Let's move on...(really)...

I'm sure our parents weren't too thrilled with Elvis Presley back in the day...as we aren't too excited about the pop music that is out there now...the VMA's sort of had some on it...interestingly, a couple of the older rockers were there...trying to stay relevant, I suppose...JLo, still warbling and gyrating...and for the tribute to the recently deceased, Aretha...they brought out the disgusting Madonna...who spent most of her talk, referring to herself...yuck...
Terrifying and deadly...in South Carolina...a woman, walking her dog, was drug into a lagoon and killed...by a GATOR!...I can't tell ya how many times, I have played golf in Florida...and I NEVER try to retrieve my errant shots in ANY water there...of course, the simple thing is to not hit the balls in them ponds...right, you do know who is hitting them...never straight...
Scooter mania...have they arrived at your hometown streets yet?...get the app, then use your smart phone and pop onto the screen the code...and voila, climb aboard and travel the streets at up to 15 mph...there you go...most have no helmets...zigzag amongst walkers and cars...in fact, they have surpassed the bikes...which now are being junked in lieu of the scooters...does anyone walk anymore?...
The ever changing mind set of relocation...goes in and out of our brains...and has rekindled, again...whether it be by vagabonding, or full out, packing our bags, and going...it intrigues and motivates us...for a new beginning of sorts...we spent many hours in discussion over the topic...and yes, the idea is there...decisions decisions decisions ....
Wow, it's only 6 am...and I'm done...a nap appears to be in order...