Didn't yesterday seem like a Saturday?...well, a weekend day for I reckon that most of ya'll are using this day as a holiday, too...and it is but Thursday...doesn't feel like one...the character of a typical Thursday just isn't know, like 'this week has just dragged on forever, and it's only Thursday' that...this whole paragraph resembles a bit on George would be talking to Jerry, er Kramer...weird?...
The epic party here at the home was not too bad...of course, disregarding the shameful photography contest...the amount of peops was staggering, I do not lie...many, we had no idea who they were...that was even with name tags, to boot...the lines, my Gawd, the long, the missus and I did not choose to stand in them, to belly up to the food trough...we had a live band, playing dance music...really fun...really...of course, there were moments that you had to bob and weave to avoid the strollers...(kidding)...we are in a galley of 3 high rises...and I'm sure the level of sound was deafening to the other two...I know there were 'noise complaints'....sinful, I tell ya...
The night was topped off exactly at 9 pm...when the FIREWORKS went off over the bay..about 20 minutes worth...we had great seats...on our side deck...the advantage for living in the condo, I suppose...I will tell you, that we have fireworks the year round, so it is not that big a deal...just the length of it is greater...I guess we celebrate San Diego...
Permeating thru the conversations of the night, was the inevitable disgusting play of the Padres...that peops have trouble embracing the style of play...that the Manager Green, needs to go...and on and on...we have a Pad owner that lives in the home (here), and you would never know it...he was pointed out to moi...we have been here like 6 years (?)...and I have never seen him before...oh yea, the Pads lost the 2 gamer in Oakland...and are falling deeper and deeper in the cave, er cellar...
Speaking of being in a cave...the terrifying story of the kids in Thailand...needing the escape route to get them out...before the water rises...what a scary situation...stay out of caves...
Are you bracing for this?...POTUS's trade war with China will hit this Friday (tomorrow)...billions of bucks and I wonder if this will have an impact on us, the common Joe...or the Stock Market?...won't this be a factor?...I have NO CLUE...
Stormy Daniels...whatever happened to this story?...well now, her lawyer says that he may run against Trump in the next election...tongue in cheek, or real?...Oprah says NO to it, as it would 'kill her'...somebody has to step up to the plate...I mean, c'mon...
Wooah, hang on to your hoodie...this poll done by the Quinnipiac University...that almost half of the voting people they queried, said that Donald J Trump is a racist...what?...the Q was not was 'Do you think that President Trump is a racist, or don't you think so?'...49 % said YES, 47% said NO...over 1,000 voters in the poll...
That got the Horse a thinking...I know, not that...where is Quinnipiac?...located in Hamden, a couple of hours from NYC and Boston...known for it's Polling Institute...cost about $44 grand a year to go there...76% acceptance rate, which is, yea, there is good stock of peops that get a degree there....not biased...
I have to talk a bit about the LaLa Lakers...there is a memo out, that I had appears to be a truth...that when there was a lot of hubbub about trades within the Laker organization...once LeBron signed on...that the current PG Lonzo Ball, needed a minor surgery on his knee....thus, making him not attractive to pursuing teams out there...and this was APPARENTLY released by Lonzo and daddy Lavar, NOT the was a SCAM to keep him in LaLa Land...
Hey YOU, yea YOU, have a great Thursday...gosh it doesn't seem like that...
The epic party here at the home was not too bad...of course, disregarding the shameful photography contest...the amount of peops was staggering, I do not lie...many, we had no idea who they were...that was even with name tags, to boot...the lines, my Gawd, the long, the missus and I did not choose to stand in them, to belly up to the food trough...we had a live band, playing dance music...really fun...really...of course, there were moments that you had to bob and weave to avoid the strollers...(kidding)...we are in a galley of 3 high rises...and I'm sure the level of sound was deafening to the other two...I know there were 'noise complaints'....sinful, I tell ya...

Permeating thru the conversations of the night, was the inevitable disgusting play of the Padres...that peops have trouble embracing the style of play...that the Manager Green, needs to go...and on and on...we have a Pad owner that lives in the home (here), and you would never know it...he was pointed out to moi...we have been here like 6 years (?)...and I have never seen him before...oh yea, the Pads lost the 2 gamer in Oakland...and are falling deeper and deeper in the cave, er cellar...
Speaking of being in a cave...the terrifying story of the kids in Thailand...needing the escape route to get them out...before the water rises...what a scary situation...stay out of caves...
Are you bracing for this?...POTUS's trade war with China will hit this Friday (tomorrow)...billions of bucks and I wonder if this will have an impact on us, the common Joe...or the Stock Market?...won't this be a factor?...I have NO CLUE...
Stormy Daniels...whatever happened to this story?...well now, her lawyer says that he may run against Trump in the next election...tongue in cheek, or real?...Oprah says NO to it, as it would 'kill her'...somebody has to step up to the plate...I mean, c'mon...
Wooah, hang on to your hoodie...this poll done by the Quinnipiac University...that almost half of the voting people they queried, said that Donald J Trump is a racist...what?...the Q was not was 'Do you think that President Trump is a racist, or don't you think so?'...49 % said YES, 47% said NO...over 1,000 voters in the poll...
That got the Horse a thinking...I know, not that...where is Quinnipiac?...located in Hamden, a couple of hours from NYC and Boston...known for it's Polling Institute...cost about $44 grand a year to go there...76% acceptance rate, which is, yea, there is good stock of peops that get a degree there....not biased...
I have to talk a bit about the LaLa Lakers...there is a memo out, that I had appears to be a truth...that when there was a lot of hubbub about trades within the Laker organization...once LeBron signed on...that the current PG Lonzo Ball, needed a minor surgery on his knee....thus, making him not attractive to pursuing teams out there...and this was APPARENTLY released by Lonzo and daddy Lavar, NOT the was a SCAM to keep him in LaLa Land...
Hey YOU, yea YOU, have a great Thursday...gosh it doesn't seem like that...