Loved this...while we were perched at a restaurant yesterday...'Burgers and Brews'...I think that is the name...Marsh commented on our waitresses cool they were...they had NO LENSES in 'em...does wearing glasses make you look smarter?...or?...
Over the pond, the 'moving day' is upon us...early, the -7 round of Justin Rose propels him into contention...and yes, Tiger is -2 after he working his way UP?...the of the 4 majors in the PGA...there will be stories today, for much depends on when they play and the weather that is happening...wind and rain, is a torture chamber for the Pros...
The back half of the MLB season has begun...the wistful Pads, started with a bang...scored 4 in the 1st...yet, got blown out by some sketchy pitching and equally befuddling's a close your eyes season...and plan on the loads of marvelous minor league 'stars' that will inhabit our the 'future'...this has been the mantra for the 10 years we have been realize, we have 'closers' all over the league?...yes, former Padres, that are now with GOOD teams...they must feel good to get out of here...not the city, cuz they buy houses here...but, the poor excuse for a MLB franchise...
I don't think Donny worries about his former attorney...Michael Cohen...I don't think he worries about any of his maladies...he thinks he is above the law of the land...even though, Cohen says he 'taped' a conversation of Donny suggesting a payment to a former gal pal...a Playboy Playmate...Donny does what he always does...says that MC is a liar and a disgrace...and off he goes, letting the truth, slide off his slick coat...
Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall...Humpty Trumpty had a great fall...all the Republican's horses and all of the Republicans men, couldn't put Humpty Trumpty...back...together again...
Something that Donny has interest in...whether or not, the NFL players stand or kneel, when the National Anthem is played prior to the present day gladiator game...his solution?...if one kneels, a one game suspension to be given...on the 2nd 'offense', suspension for the season...ACHTUNG!...'YOU WILL STAND!'...
To be fair and impartial, Hillary thinks that the football is round, like the rest of the world does...
Time for your celebrity news from Page One of CH...the San Francisco 49ers QB, Jimmy G...was seen out dating a 'porn star'...I wondered what K fam gal this was?...nope, another one...geez, you can't do anything without the paparazzi seeing it...
More of the 'other side'...Jeanne Pirro...the author of a book, 'Liars, Leekers, and Liberals: The Case Against The Trump Conspiracy'...sounds good, huh...well now, she went into the lions den...'The View' run off the show...Whoopi laid into her...Ms Pirro was upset...ran to the next show that would treat her right, Hannity (like who else?)...and called the entire View team, and, I do quote, "C___suckers!"...I can't make this stuff up...calm down, ladies, just, calm down...
Right NOW...Tiger is -4 after 10...what is happening?...a surge?...he almost DROVE the green on the 386 yd 11th!...MINUS FIVE...hey, it's on we speak...wooah...history?...