There are no better describe the show that Little Big Town put on last eve at the Del Mar Fair...than SUPERFLUOUS!...not only, starting very near the announced 'show time'...but NO opening was all them...of course, it may have something to do with we were in the 10TH ROW!...this pix I have is taken in the latter part of it all...
They kept knocking their hits out...amazing us 20+ of them...started the night with Elton John's 'Rocket Man', acapella...and is was on...the favs?...'Loving You', 'Day Drinking', 'Wichita Lineman', 'Boondocks', and 'Girl Crush'...but really, there were so many others that were grrreeeaattt...the harmonies were fantastic...
The fair itself was slammed...typical stuff, but lots of it...the rides, the food (duh), the booths of
endless things to buy, and the PEOPLE...everywhere...this is the pix of the infamous 'Chicken Charlies', who is known to fry up anything...getting there and back from downtown, was a bit sketchy...Uber was the answer, but getting to the site was not easy...but we made it...
I will end this bit of the ladies in LBT can really sang...Karen Fairchild...she is absolutely awesome...if you haven't yet, check them out on iTunes...
The ever loving Padres did it again...after losing their first game in a set, won the the last 6 now, that has been the pattern...even breaking the curse in Hotlanta...Mgr Green get a bit feisty with the home plate ump and got tossed...ya gotta do that every once in a while...the ump?...the dreaded Country Joe West, easily the most despised one in full of himself, well, he is big...ha ha...
FOX is doing the Open at Shinnecock...of course, they followed the key groups that had Tiger and Lefty in 'em...Tiger missed the cut, and Lefty made it...however, the guy in charge is Dustin's his to he is playing beautifully on a very difficult track...many of us, are in amazement how quickly that Jordan Spieth has lost his touch around the he choked like a dog on the 18th hole, needing a par to make it...chunk chipped, and missed badly on his putt chance...he gone...
Not lost in their broadcast...was an inadvertent 'pick up' of a couple of fans in the stands...talking brutally honest sexual thangs...which FOX has apologized for...dammit Pops and Gary, keep it DOWN!...
POTUS wants 'his people' to stand up like what the North Koreans do at the behalf of Kim Jong Un...apparently, his idol in the field...there are so many ways to go on this...
Kim K said something very scary...'never say never to her not running for political office'...listen, I can't make this stuff KNOW she would get votes...
The campaign chair of Trump, for like 140 days or get fired if you are there longer...Paul jailed...'witness tampering'...wooah...he is going he expects to get a PARDON from POTUS...did I say this before?...I can't make this stuff up...
ICE at work...the number...1,995 of the children that have been separated from their parents near the Mexican border...are you proud to be an American?...
OK, calm down Horse...let's talk hoops...the SDSU star...Kawhi Leonard...injured most of last season, for the San Antone Spurs...wants out of there...exit stage LaLa, is his desire...ah ha, rumors are rampant...that the Lake Show will sign him and LEBRON...who also, wants to relocate in SoCal...perfect, let THEM play with the Lonzo...which of them can shoot it from 3 land?...well, certainly not Lavar's kid...
Finally...try LBT's 'Better Man'...there are just too many choices, kids...
They kept knocking their hits out...amazing us 20+ of them...started the night with Elton John's 'Rocket Man', acapella...and is was on...the favs?...'Loving You', 'Day Drinking', 'Wichita Lineman', 'Boondocks', and 'Girl Crush'...but really, there were so many others that were grrreeeaattt...the harmonies were fantastic...

endless things to buy, and the PEOPLE...everywhere...this is the pix of the infamous 'Chicken Charlies', who is known to fry up anything...getting there and back from downtown, was a bit sketchy...Uber was the answer, but getting to the site was not easy...but we made it...
I will end this bit of the ladies in LBT can really sang...Karen Fairchild...she is absolutely awesome...if you haven't yet, check them out on iTunes...
The ever loving Padres did it again...after losing their first game in a set, won the the last 6 now, that has been the pattern...even breaking the curse in Hotlanta...Mgr Green get a bit feisty with the home plate ump and got tossed...ya gotta do that every once in a while...the ump?...the dreaded Country Joe West, easily the most despised one in full of himself, well, he is big...ha ha...
FOX is doing the Open at Shinnecock...of course, they followed the key groups that had Tiger and Lefty in 'em...Tiger missed the cut, and Lefty made it...however, the guy in charge is Dustin's his to he is playing beautifully on a very difficult track...many of us, are in amazement how quickly that Jordan Spieth has lost his touch around the he choked like a dog on the 18th hole, needing a par to make it...chunk chipped, and missed badly on his putt chance...he gone...
Not lost in their broadcast...was an inadvertent 'pick up' of a couple of fans in the stands...talking brutally honest sexual thangs...which FOX has apologized for...dammit Pops and Gary, keep it DOWN!...
POTUS wants 'his people' to stand up like what the North Koreans do at the behalf of Kim Jong Un...apparently, his idol in the field...there are so many ways to go on this...
Kim K said something very scary...'never say never to her not running for political office'...listen, I can't make this stuff KNOW she would get votes...
The campaign chair of Trump, for like 140 days or get fired if you are there longer...Paul jailed...'witness tampering'...wooah...he is going he expects to get a PARDON from POTUS...did I say this before?...I can't make this stuff up...
ICE at work...the number...1,995 of the children that have been separated from their parents near the Mexican border...are you proud to be an American?...
OK, calm down Horse...let's talk hoops...the SDSU star...Kawhi Leonard...injured most of last season, for the San Antone Spurs...wants out of there...exit stage LaLa, is his desire...ah ha, rumors are rampant...that the Lake Show will sign him and LEBRON...who also, wants to relocate in SoCal...perfect, let THEM play with the Lonzo...which of them can shoot it from 3 land?...well, certainly not Lavar's kid...
Finally...try LBT's 'Better Man'...there are just too many choices, kids...