Monday Morning Quarterback

How about if we do a quick (?) wrap up of the recent occurrences...going to call it Monday Morn Quarterbacking...maybe more of a 2nd guessing...that the Horse deems appropriate...and or, just gazing at the stuff that went on...some incredible, some debatable, and some downright despicable...
POTUS...uh oh, here we go meeting today in Singapore with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean Boss...well, whatever you call him, as his real title...said to be mano a mano...nobody else in the they both speak English?...or Korean?...has to be with interpreters, too...don't you reckon?...maybe they will bring in the Worm (DENNIS RODMAN) for clarity...with the nuclear disarmament the key issue...what do WE have to give up for THEM to do so?, that is the $64 billion dollar question...
With the game of baseball so worldly now...many of the top players in MLB are not American made...speaketh languages other than American (ha ha)...and need interpreters...maybe like the meeting when the manager is sprinting out to the mound to rage on his failing pitcher...he has to bring the interpreter with him, too...'You SOB, throw more strikes!', he says...the interpreter nods, and tells the player 'the manager is a jackass and smile and tell him FU in our language, he'll never know'...'nod and walk off the mound'...something is missing in the translation...
Anyhoo, the ever improving Padres won the series in Miami...woo hoo!...and travel into the play the always tough for us, Saint Looey Cards...if we can survive there, we are a rootin' tootin' band of misfits, that just may, I say may, surprise the west...
The US Open is this week up at that there anyone more poised to win it than Dustin Johnson?...who won going away, actually holed out his last shot on 18 for an the T that finished up golfing buds are going...lucky dawgs...
In the aftermath of the K-7 meeting...where DJT made quite the impression on some of the leaders...and NOT in a good way...he allegedly told the French Prez, that 'there are too many German made cars in the USA'...right...until the US can match the BMW, Mercedes, or even the VW, then that 's the way it will be...and this...Trump had harsh words for Canadian Leader Trudeau...which got a turnaround, as one of Trudeau's people called DJT, 'a pathetic little man-child'...and that is from our allies?...
The Tony Awards were last eve...for the Broadway peops of the world...well, of NYC...and Trump got quite the accolade...from the actor, Robert DeNiro...who called him out with some mighty naughty words...I have said this lots lately, but my big fear is the divide we have in this country, is GROWING...
Father's Day gift from the little woman...hmmm, well WE bought a Nikon camera over at Costco...D3400, for those of you in the know...even with the likes of Snooki, telling me NO...I played with it some yesterday and it took some wondrous pix...has two lenses, one that is like 6 inches long...I'll monkey with it on the trip and see if I can take some good super thing, is that it syncs to me iPhone X, and I have all that I take in my 'photos'...way, way, cool...
Did you know...that China has a one baby law? that they could control their population a bit, er a lot...doubt if that would work in the US....the Evangelicals would scream...has to be an abortion nightmare...right?...anyway, they are about to lift the it is said...
I'm sure you have seen this around, but it's worth me printing...Justify, the Triple Crown Winner, will not be accepting the invite to the White House, as the horse replied 'if I wanted to see a horse's ass, I would have finished 2nd'...something to that affect...or is that effect?...
Some people just lurve the college world series of baseball...the Beavers of Oregon St have earned their trip...but, the despicable I mentioned in the beginning of the today's blog...belongs to the manager of he was going out to the mound to change pitchers, berating the home plate ump for his pitch calls, with every 4 letter word imaginable...and changed some of them into 6 letter ones...and DIDN'T GET THROWN OUT!...probably cuz the games were in Arkansas...
Finally...whew...have been looking into the 'Cleanse Program'...a 21 day filtering system of one's body...sounds interesting, right?...Kelly Ripa has been doing oh man...the banned foods on it, are ALL the ones I eat...and would it be NOT be sustainable for moi...back to the search mode...
And today, it took me 2 hrs and 6 minutes to write this...
I'm on hold for a few days...hang on, I will return...