Another Sweep
Horse racing around the WORLD is alive and well, kids...witness the event of the Triple Crown...the 3rd and final leg of it...the Belmont...where the New Yorkers in Elmont, showed off what they are all about...watching and betting on these fabulous animals...dressed in their finest and showing them audacious hats...tell me, one doesn't get the tingles, when the horses are about to come out for the post parade to the playing of Frank Sinatra's 'New York, New York'...
Justify, the SoCal horse...was the WINNER!...and the Triple Crown was hard to do...and this Horse, had the trifecta and a $10 buck daily double...which made me a happy camper...the trainer, Bob Baffert, got his 2nd TC...listen to moi, Michael Wilbon, one of the hosts of ESPN's PTI...the sport is bodacious and YOU are wrong...
The on again, off again, on again summit with North Korea and the on again...say what you want or will...but Prez T is delivering on this...meeting up with Kim Jong Un in Singapore...of course, the Worm (Dennis Rodman) is there, too...a facilitator?...geez, who knows....but he has been a frequent guest of Un's...and Rodman was on the Celebrity Apprentice...a coincidence?...I dunno...DJT denies it, but I'm not sure I believe all that he, do you know why they are meeting?...nuclear disarmament ...
The rattling Padres are buzzing about in Miami...a knock down, drag out victory...with the Marlins...need a W today and get this series...within reach or reason?...maybe...
What is and what is not?...this story will get you right in your bourbon taste a Whistle Pig fancier?...or a Bulleit? is the REAL scoop...there are a gaggle of bourbons that have 'made in', 'ten year old', 'vintage'...and other catchy labels that you may be purchasing under the guise that they are the truth...and they very well could be bottled in the same place...MGP...Midwest Grain Products...what?...
This is the company that bottles many of what you think is a special bourbon...'the name was changed to protect the innocent', Dragnet...remember that show?...I digress...anyway, it used to be called LDI, which is actually in Lawrenceburg, Indiana...well now, LDI which is now MGP, bottles many of these fine bourbons in must carefully read the labels...
Truth in advertising, or smart business? you want some names and labels that are under this company?....Templeton, Bulleit, Whistlepig, Tin Cup, Angel's Envy, well, you get the idea...there are many, be careful...some demand big bucks...
Geez, horse racing, baseball, and bourbon are my topics today....I left out cigars...oh yea, and POTUS snuck in there, too...
We hit a new circuit last night with them effervescent, a newbie spot in Little Italy, Bolt Brewery...terrific service with nice brewskis...Nolita Hall?...already a hot spot, and we were given an hour wait...nope, not for the elite of the we ventured...I will say this about LI, it is SLAMMED!...
Dr Cris, are you listening to this?...there is an article in the Washington Post, that there is a severe lack of dentists in rural America...and maybe even worse, there are people out there, who couldn't afford them, if they were there...chicken or egg? is HARD to get into the Dental Schools, that have limits to the numbers that are out in the US, in that trade...
And this...does it frustrate you to know, what we actually don't know what it going on with the meeting of the powers to be on the G-7?...the group of SEVEN industrial nations that have bonded...I guess...and POTUS wants Russia to be included...I guess...
Hey BJ, it took me 2 hours to write this today...
Sunday and it is beeeaauuuutifffullll out...
Justify, the SoCal horse...was the WINNER!...and the Triple Crown was hard to do...and this Horse, had the trifecta and a $10 buck daily double...which made me a happy camper...the trainer, Bob Baffert, got his 2nd TC...listen to moi, Michael Wilbon, one of the hosts of ESPN's PTI...the sport is bodacious and YOU are wrong...
The on again, off again, on again summit with North Korea and the on again...say what you want or will...but Prez T is delivering on this...meeting up with Kim Jong Un in Singapore...of course, the Worm (Dennis Rodman) is there, too...a facilitator?...geez, who knows....but he has been a frequent guest of Un's...and Rodman was on the Celebrity Apprentice...a coincidence?...I dunno...DJT denies it, but I'm not sure I believe all that he, do you know why they are meeting?...nuclear disarmament ...
The rattling Padres are buzzing about in Miami...a knock down, drag out victory...with the Marlins...need a W today and get this series...within reach or reason?...maybe...
What is and what is not?...this story will get you right in your bourbon taste a Whistle Pig fancier?...or a Bulleit? is the REAL scoop...there are a gaggle of bourbons that have 'made in', 'ten year old', 'vintage'...and other catchy labels that you may be purchasing under the guise that they are the truth...and they very well could be bottled in the same place...MGP...Midwest Grain Products...what?...
This is the company that bottles many of what you think is a special bourbon...'the name was changed to protect the innocent', Dragnet...remember that show?...I digress...anyway, it used to be called LDI, which is actually in Lawrenceburg, Indiana...well now, LDI which is now MGP, bottles many of these fine bourbons in must carefully read the labels...
Truth in advertising, or smart business? you want some names and labels that are under this company?....Templeton, Bulleit, Whistlepig, Tin Cup, Angel's Envy, well, you get the idea...there are many, be careful...some demand big bucks...
Geez, horse racing, baseball, and bourbon are my topics today....I left out cigars...oh yea, and POTUS snuck in there, too...
We hit a new circuit last night with them effervescent, a newbie spot in Little Italy, Bolt Brewery...terrific service with nice brewskis...Nolita Hall?...already a hot spot, and we were given an hour wait...nope, not for the elite of the we ventured...I will say this about LI, it is SLAMMED!...
Dr Cris, are you listening to this?...there is an article in the Washington Post, that there is a severe lack of dentists in rural America...and maybe even worse, there are people out there, who couldn't afford them, if they were there...chicken or egg? is HARD to get into the Dental Schools, that have limits to the numbers that are out in the US, in that trade...
And this...does it frustrate you to know, what we actually don't know what it going on with the meeting of the powers to be on the G-7?...the group of SEVEN industrial nations that have bonded...I guess...and POTUS wants Russia to be included...I guess...
Hey BJ, it took me 2 hours to write this today...
Sunday and it is beeeaauuuutifffullll out...