Downton Abbey, Part Deux?

This picture reminds me of we celebrate the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex...hmmm, I knew of some Dukes in the past...Duke Snider, the MLB Star of the Brooklyn Bums, and me little bro Jack's fav...Duke Ellington, the jazz great...the Duke of Earl, er the song of the 50's...'Duke Duke Duke of Earl'...dang if I can think of a Duchess...however, the pix...reminds me of one of my personal best loved TV shows, Downton Abbey...doesn't it you a bit?...

Music...American Idol...the winner was the OTHER gal, Maddie pick, Gabby, was 3rd...geez, outside of a few lucky prognostications in the past...I usually don't have a clue...I have not watched the finals, taped it...but not seen it yet...the winner has a cool voice...and's all about the songs...can any of 'em come up with a hit?...the ticket...

Staying in entertainment...if ya'll are planning a Vegas trip next week, put it on the workers in most of the casinos are voting on a STRIKE!...what?...I thought that Unions were pretty much dead...hmmm, teachers still have them...well, we pay Union dues, er I used to...where else are there Unions?...should Union be capitalized?...not if you ask a Republican...should Republican be capitalized?...not if you ask a Demo...should, OK, stop it, this could go on forever...

LeBron is truly an amazing he dominates a game, after 15 years in the NBA!...going against 21 yr the type of wear and tear that basketball takes on the more evident in his performance last night versus the the Cavs evened up the series...listen, when you talk MVP, there is ZERO comparison with him and the defenseless Beard of Houston...none, whatsoever...

Lost in the teevee shuffle of thangs, is the may be a follower...I am not...after the Judges lose their banter, and it goes to the silly sing offs and all...I quit watching...have no idea who is in the lead and all that stuff...

OK now...there has been a bit of a buffer zone, after the latest school shooting...what has been done?...has Congress addressed the issue?...any statement from the NRA?...has POTUS reacted?...lets just say, we are in the middle of elections, re-elections, er, the Mid Terms...and those in power, or, those who want to be in power, won't touch it...sad...

The judicial system...hmmm...a Judge in Orygun...ordered the teen who started a massive fire pay in restitution $37 million bucks over the next two decades...I think he is 15...the parents are not responsible for the payback, only him...if, after a decade, he has been paying what he can, and he stays out of could be reduced...if he wins the lottery, the state can take the $....what am I missing here?...

VPOTUS...has issued a stern warning to the North Koreans, esp, Kim Jong Un...that if he doesn't 'play ball with us', er the US, 'he may end up like Libya...'....more of the same stuff dictated from the dude who wants to WIN the 'Nobel Peace Prize'...can't make this up...

It is no secret that we are seeking out other spots for living...destinations of interest...and my son has joined in on the expedition...yup, we ended up out in Carlsbad...on the La Costa GC...I have NEVER seen so many condos, town homes and the like...built around a golf's like McNary (in Orygun) on steroids!...nope, no interest...too far away from downtown...and the airport..we still have interest in that area, that we bought for one day...and then pulled out...Kensington...timing, it is all timing...

For all of the upbeat talk of the lovable Pads...yesterday, was one of those reality checks...the pitcher of record (this is right, Shink?) was a bloke that is NOT MLB worthy, Rob lit up bad by the Nat's...BP...and the guy who relieved him, the same...the former Yankee, Mitchell...I guess, if it goes astray early, the management just plays it it a losing day...and eats the loss...can't say I could EVER do that...

Now here is what I am talking about...


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