The Masters
Now THIS is the topic for the rest of the week for us heathen golfer wannabes...The Masters...the, make that, THE tourney to win for them Pro Dudes...such a beautiful patch of ground down there, well, over there, in Georgia...yea, as I am writing this, they have already started...being 3 hours ahead of us...but, the T carries it's own agenda...and won't start showing the golfing world the play...until THEY deem it time...
Where else does a Par 3 mini-tournament get so much coverage and notoriety?...a pre-cursor to the real thang...the myth and truth...the winner of it, has NEVER won the, them dudes call it a 'curse' if you do win the 3...we had a special day, the vets, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Tom Watson...were the featured trio...Jack was in the hunt...and Tom was the victor!...great pixels...however, the highlight could have of Jack's caddies...his high school aged grand son...knocked in a hole in1 at the 9th...
Now we just watch the drama unfold...who is it gonna be? of the legends, Lefty, Vijay, or Tiger?...or Tom?...a brat packer, Justin, Jordan or Rickie?...a pseudo Euro, Paul, Ian, or Sergio? pick, Bubba?...just like American Idol, the cast is of them will prevail...did I just equate this T to AI?... if there is any...
The Pads were back to their punching bag starter, Clay Richards, was pounded hard early...gave up an insurmountable 5 runs in the first two innings...and the Horse turned the TV to pro hoops...this will be a very hard season to watch, teenagers...much to my chagrin...another L and we are solidly plunked into last...won't be long, before they give away tix...
Have you checked out the efforts of the pro hoops blokes lately? the playoffs loom, the play has increased greatly...tough D...actually run some plays...other than pick and roll, or pick and stay...they are actually doubling up the shooters...what is going on?...listen, the season is way too many of the players, just glide during the middle of it...
Ah POTUS...your excrement of the Trade War with are testing the faithfulness of your fellow rich example of the money making wine companies, Wente taking a hit by China...not importing the fine wine over, 5,000 bottles of their finest...sits...well now, I really don't know if they were Trump supporters...but, I doubt if they are now...
Not sure if I have seen the likes of what is going on with Carrie she preggers? she gonna be divorced? she protesting a hockey game? she showing her face after the 40 stitches? she hitting the studio for a new album?...the list goes on and on...weird stuff, I tell ya...Nashville...
Buy NOW...that is what the peops are doing...and many, sight unseen...talking real estate, kids, er the areas in question...Nashville, Salt Lake City, Vegas, and Kansas City are destination hot spots...affordability...priced right...and many are trying to gobble them up...said to have like upwards of 40 offers as the property hits the market...oh my...
Chappaquiddick...remember the story?...where the gal was found drowned...the driver was Teddy Kennedy...what really happened?...many were calling 'coverup'...anyway, there is a flick out on it...and they say it is the real thing...nobody knows...well, someone knows...and he has passed...
You know my headline 'Reality' for yesterday...when is real, real?...when you change your body shape and the abilities of a doctor...hmmm...when you alter your nose...well, I could go on...but, when you are like 18?...OK, this may be superficial...and I am not sure where I am going with, I stop... your big screen television NOW...cuz, get what is on the horizon from China?...thank your POTUS, once again...
Where else does a Par 3 mini-tournament get so much coverage and notoriety?...a pre-cursor to the real thang...the myth and truth...the winner of it, has NEVER won the, them dudes call it a 'curse' if you do win the 3...we had a special day, the vets, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Tom Watson...were the featured trio...Jack was in the hunt...and Tom was the victor!...great pixels...however, the highlight could have of Jack's caddies...his high school aged grand son...knocked in a hole in1 at the 9th...
Now we just watch the drama unfold...who is it gonna be? of the legends, Lefty, Vijay, or Tiger?...or Tom?...a brat packer, Justin, Jordan or Rickie?...a pseudo Euro, Paul, Ian, or Sergio? pick, Bubba?...just like American Idol, the cast is of them will prevail...did I just equate this T to AI?... if there is any...
The Pads were back to their punching bag starter, Clay Richards, was pounded hard early...gave up an insurmountable 5 runs in the first two innings...and the Horse turned the TV to pro hoops...this will be a very hard season to watch, teenagers...much to my chagrin...another L and we are solidly plunked into last...won't be long, before they give away tix...
Have you checked out the efforts of the pro hoops blokes lately? the playoffs loom, the play has increased greatly...tough D...actually run some plays...other than pick and roll, or pick and stay...they are actually doubling up the shooters...what is going on?...listen, the season is way too many of the players, just glide during the middle of it...
Ah POTUS...your excrement of the Trade War with are testing the faithfulness of your fellow rich example of the money making wine companies, Wente taking a hit by China...not importing the fine wine over, 5,000 bottles of their finest...sits...well now, I really don't know if they were Trump supporters...but, I doubt if they are now...
Not sure if I have seen the likes of what is going on with Carrie she preggers? she gonna be divorced? she protesting a hockey game? she showing her face after the 40 stitches? she hitting the studio for a new album?...the list goes on and on...weird stuff, I tell ya...Nashville...
Buy NOW...that is what the peops are doing...and many, sight unseen...talking real estate, kids, er the areas in question...Nashville, Salt Lake City, Vegas, and Kansas City are destination hot spots...affordability...priced right...and many are trying to gobble them up...said to have like upwards of 40 offers as the property hits the market...oh my...
Chappaquiddick...remember the story?...where the gal was found drowned...the driver was Teddy Kennedy...what really happened?...many were calling 'coverup'...anyway, there is a flick out on it...and they say it is the real thing...nobody knows...well, someone knows...and he has passed...
You know my headline 'Reality' for yesterday...when is real, real?...when you change your body shape and the abilities of a doctor...hmmm...when you alter your nose...well, I could go on...but, when you are like 18?...OK, this may be superficial...and I am not sure where I am going with, I stop... your big screen television NOW...cuz, get what is on the horizon from China?...thank your POTUS, once again...