At The Ball Yard

Our first journey out to Petco, this season...for a big league game...commenced last eve to gander at them Padres...fresh off of a huge one game winning streak...and the place was a buzz and slammed!...over 41,000 fans...of course, it was a giveaway jersey night...long long lines, to get exchange jerseys, to get food, to get drinks...and on and get the picture...

Our norm, is to snag a table in the Omni Club area...where one can eat at a  table and have a fine buffett din din...the problem is that you must have Omni Club tix...called premier...which we did...alas, we were a bit tardy, and there were no tables to be had...already scarfed up! went out to find our stadium the real world...with all the commoners...

Terrific seats and definitely groovy...the atmosphere was electric out there...had waitress service and all that we could possibly want was, our first entry in to the infamous Hodad burger...good eatin's, kids...the big board out in LF is was just a fun time...go figure...throw in the decent play of the

The weather was one of those nights...(Eagles)...just perfect...warm, with a light breeze...just hard to find a negative...which there were none...and yup, them Pads are now owners of a 2 game winning streak...thanks to Renfroe's line drive HR, and stifling relief pitching...

Top off the experience, by riding up our elevator with a comes the name dropping...Bill Walton...who was in the Pinnacle for a pahhhtyyy....I guess...31st floor...who we do not know...hmmm...his comment to me, 'you left before the game was over?'...and I replied, 'happy wife, happy life!'...who is Walton, anyway?...


Staying in sports...great fears out of the the beloved Blazers got bopped AT HOME in game one of the playoffs with the N'Orleans whatever...didn't see that coming...the kid with them unibrows was devastatingly dominating...AD...I keep telling ya, this PDX coach has no clue, defensively...

After the Masters is over...I put watching of golf on hold...but, I did go out and hack preparedly for the Bozos...which is in Borrego next week...egads, I need more time...I was turrible...overswung, which is my downfall...ez, Horse, ez...

Why does beer, pop, well anything liquid...taste colder in an ice cold bottle? it an illusion? know what a Chemawa Cocktail is?...a bottle of Pepsi, with some salted peanuts slithered down the top of it...try it before you pooh pooh heathens...

POTUS...well, just why would we bomb Syria one day, and then proclaim that we are pulling our troops out of there the next?...where are they, anyway?...and...that he 'hardly knew' the dude with the book coming out tomorrow...James Comey...hmmm, he knew him enough to call him 'a slime ball'...and a 'liar'...isn't it time for a commentary by Rosie?...she'll set the record straight...

Tonight is the ACM's...the Academy of Country Music...hosted by Reba...there is a long list of performers...and it is a can't the Horse...look for the Carrie song to knock your sox off...DVR it and skip the commercials...

This oughta scare the breakfast fix for ya...there is a recall of 200 million eggs for salmonella concerns...luckily not here in SoCal...

Man, I have just gone everywhere, huh...


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