There is hope

The combined team of South and North Korea as the Winter Olympics...just may have triggered the new possible allegiance of the I said back then, just a few months ago...any step is a good step...and now...the word is that they are considering a meeting at the border...also, that North Korea may be willing to talk about it's Nuke steps, kids...

How is the groundswell working?...talking the ban of the AR-15 rapid fire killer guns...the passion and exuberance of the aftermath of the latest massacre by the masses to get them off the it still going on?...the NRA wants it to go away...make no mention of it...that's their ploy...and, it seemingly has worked for years...listen people, do not give up the fight...keep the word alive...please...and VOTE when the time comes...I will keep you posted...

Used to be...used to...when the Stock Market traversed it's daily would move a few points up and, it moves hundreds of points each and every day...there is a word that describes this, 'Volatile'...yup, if you have your cash in the right spot, you can make a bundle...whatever happened to banks and their savings accounts?...or US Bonds?...things of the past...

Did you watch any of the Lake Show/Blazer game last eve?...two teams that had winning streaks be quite honest, a very average display of hoops...but, it was brutally called by the refs...for both different times...regardless, PDX capitalized on the amazing play of Dame Lillard in the 4th stanza and won it...geez, and he was way off the other 3...go figure...lawdy, Portland has no clue on D...

The Bachelor...ah yes...just what I had printed...the dude picked the one...proposed...and then dumped her...and went for the other...that came in 2nd...well, he saw others, his obvious confusion on lurve...geez, dude, you have too many choices...maybe, just maybe, you are not ready...

I am the one...that doesn't give a rats arse what the Oscar people think...Frances, or Meryl, or are lucky to make what you's my choice to turn the channel, and I are NOT that important...

The Big Dance...ah yes...the bracket that many people will fill hoops...take their chance at winning...yet another lottery pick of sorts...just try and read the experts give you advice...fuggit about it...they don't may be just as advantageous to pick colors of the uniforms...or flip a coin...

Truth or fiction?...if you take a know, your very own look a bit more your nose will appear bigger than it really is...ah ha, that's the reason...

Hey, ya'll...have a great day...


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