Cheer up!

You must be planning on going or hosting a Super Bowl line I read from one who is not a sports junkie...'Did you know they were playing some football at the Justin Timberlake Concert?'...if not for the game itself, watch them multi-million dollar commercials...however, most gather and either pull for or against Tom Terrific, alias Tom Brady...seems like almost every year he is leading his Patriots in the game...put your name in a pool, and get lucky...believe me, that type of wagering takes absolutely NO skill...diff from betting on one of them teams...
I did purchase the JT album...kind of OK...lots of dance music in moi, a bit repetitive...but, that is only the first time thru listening to it...he just has to play the 'Dance Dance Dance' song at the game, right?...the last rumor I heard, alas, NO Janet Jackson return to the stage...remember 'Nipplegate?'...never could figure how she got the rap and he didn't...I digress...he did the pulling...
Wasn't I supposed to keep this happy news? more not...the Dow dropped 665 points yesterday...egads...WTH?...some form of correction, I read from the trusted CNN site, that it was due to potential of rising interest rates...whatever...
My Golden St Warriors won last eve in Sac...a bloody awful game...geez, I just can't stay happy...Curry was a mess...lazy and disoriented...fortunately for GS, the Kings couldn't throw it in the ocean from the beach...head coach, Steve Kerr, said afterwards that his team was 'mentally exhausted'...they need the break coming up...hmmm, somebody needs to kick them in their arse...
Enough, Horse, enough...we are going to do a sightseeing trip today...that takes us all over SD, ie Coronado...includes a narrative and is downright fun to do...there you go...
You watching any of the Sopranos Open?...Rickie and Lefty are moving on up...wouldn't that be fun, if they were in the last group is moving, gots me fingers crossed...
I'm sure you probably know the answer to this, but why would anyone change their name to GaGa?...Stefani Germanotta...yes, she actually was a player in the show, the Sopranos...and got nicknamed Lady GaGa by a boyfriend...after a song by Queen...'Radio GaGa'...what you don't get, you will get from the Horse...
Anyway, in case you were wondering, she is postponing her she is ailing...or something...hmmm, never seen her...another on the bucket I do think she can sang... is the rage of can do's...the legalization of marijuana...that smoking thinger...the studies are now in the works...are there negatives to puffing it?...long lasting set backs?...early on, there is this one pop out...that it affects your memory...let's see, you take something to alter your brain, and it affects the memory?...really? least in the immediate...
Time for some THAT'S fun...