A Day of Reckoning
Some form of, make that, any form of GUN CONTROL is in it's infancy...we all are affected...in our country...the focus now is in Florida...as the groundswell has begun...specifically, the people from the high school that was last hit...they bonded and bused to Tallahassee...to speak to the elected officials that can, make that, CAN make changes...
One such politician, is the Senator from their state...Marco Rubio...sound familiar to ya?...yup, he was one of the blokes running for Prez from the Repub side of the ticket...has a way with words, yet goes nowhere with them...and, has a huge contribution amount from the...yes...the NRA...said to be in the $3 million dollar range...what?...
Sure, his comeback to all Q's is that there needs to be more look into the mental health problems that all, make that, ALL the killers have in common...he always sends out his 'thoughts and prayers'...never, ever, does he address the gun...well now, one of the fathers whose child was assassinated...confronted him in a town hall meeting...verbally...the reaction was this...'a pathetic response' by Rubio...it's the same odious message, 'people kill, the guns don't'...
Our standing Prez, has come up with new stances from the Oval Office...short of banning the AR-15 and the like...had this beaut to throw out at the schools...to arm the teachers...oh my...yes, we have heard this 'remedy' in the past...listen, unless we arm the guards with the equivalence to what the assassins have, this is all a band aid...that is, if there is no banning...just being honest...single shot compared to a rapid fire?...no match...
Prez T had some clarification to his solution process...that he was going to arm 'some of the teachers'..."listen Harry, you have been chosen to carry a pistol, and Joe, not you...you can't be trusted in times of crisis"...and..."don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes"...just can't see this working DJT...
Keep working all, we have our lives at stake...
Mark Cuban...you know him from the show 'Shark Tank'...is also the owner of the NBA franchise the Dallas Mavericks...embroiled in a spiraling downward season...and he suggested that it would be better if they lost, rather than win....the rest of this season, so they can have a better chance at getting the first pick in this summer's NBA draft...listen Mark, think it, don't say it...as the league fined him $600,000 for his comments...I think he gets fined more than anyone ever...he speaketh his mind and thus, pays for it...he can afford it...
Also, there are stories of the 'harassment' thing in his office...not him, but somebody from his staff...all coming at the team at the same time...to say that they are in disarray is right on....
You know, I think about this a lot...road rage...when some foo cuts you off while you are driving...as we advance in years, it's probably not the smartest thing to flip the bloke off...with the guns that are out there and all...Chevy Chase decided to man up to someone that did it...and got knocked on his rear...you have to do something, I suppose...
The Winter Olympics...I confess...do not, er did not watch...but, Lindsey Von won the bronze and the people are upset...c'mon...and, we have a gals hockey team?...and a real good one, I guess, that won the gold!...hey, it wasn't on my radar...
The Amazing Race...had as a couple in it...some newbies from the reality show, 'Big Brother'...and they ended up winning the race...don't these people just go from one show to another...like on the circuit of reality ones?...
On the home front...we have this policy on our fridge, range, dishwasher, washer and dryer...OK, you get the idea...we pay $75 and they fix 'em...well, I had proclaimed our dishwasher officially dead...not so fast, my friends...the policy people have to declare it...and then they will pay like $600 for a new one...anyway, they sent out a dude to fix it...he ordered a part...then came back a week later to install it...BTW, when is the last time that you hand washed your dishes?...such a bonding time...when he returned he had to take the whole bloody thing out...and virtually remade it...true story...he was sweating with the oldies, I tell ya...and it works like a charm...
Tiger is in that state aforementioned...Florida...for a T...step 3 of his 'comeback'...you think he has a shot at being who he once was?...I, the Horse, doubt it...but, I want to see his game come back...hey, he has been named an assistant coach for the Ryder Cup team...'they' must like him...
Today, I get me hairs cut...you know the drill...I say 'leave it long on top, short on the sides (number 2), and block the back'...they say, 'yes sir'...and give me the military cut...'$12 please'...
Finally, here is the new look of our reconditioned roof of the SD Convention Center...does not appear Madonna influenced?...I mean, c'mon...
One such politician, is the Senator from their state...Marco Rubio...sound familiar to ya?...yup, he was one of the blokes running for Prez from the Repub side of the ticket...has a way with words, yet goes nowhere with them...and, has a huge contribution amount from the...yes...the NRA...said to be in the $3 million dollar range...what?...
Sure, his comeback to all Q's is that there needs to be more look into the mental health problems that all, make that, ALL the killers have in common...he always sends out his 'thoughts and prayers'...never, ever, does he address the gun...well now, one of the fathers whose child was assassinated...confronted him in a town hall meeting...verbally...the reaction was this...'a pathetic response' by Rubio...it's the same odious message, 'people kill, the guns don't'...
Our standing Prez, has come up with new stances from the Oval Office...short of banning the AR-15 and the like...had this beaut to throw out at the schools...to arm the teachers...oh my...yes, we have heard this 'remedy' in the past...listen, unless we arm the guards with the equivalence to what the assassins have, this is all a band aid...that is, if there is no banning...just being honest...single shot compared to a rapid fire?...no match...
Prez T had some clarification to his solution process...that he was going to arm 'some of the teachers'..."listen Harry, you have been chosen to carry a pistol, and Joe, not you...you can't be trusted in times of crisis"...and..."don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes"...just can't see this working DJT...
Keep working all, we have our lives at stake...
Mark Cuban...you know him from the show 'Shark Tank'...is also the owner of the NBA franchise the Dallas Mavericks...embroiled in a spiraling downward season...and he suggested that it would be better if they lost, rather than win....the rest of this season, so they can have a better chance at getting the first pick in this summer's NBA draft...listen Mark, think it, don't say it...as the league fined him $600,000 for his comments...I think he gets fined more than anyone ever...he speaketh his mind and thus, pays for it...he can afford it...
Also, there are stories of the 'harassment' thing in his office...not him, but somebody from his staff...all coming at the team at the same time...to say that they are in disarray is right on....
You know, I think about this a lot...road rage...when some foo cuts you off while you are driving...as we advance in years, it's probably not the smartest thing to flip the bloke off...with the guns that are out there and all...Chevy Chase decided to man up to someone that did it...and got knocked on his rear...you have to do something, I suppose...
The Winter Olympics...I confess...do not, er did not watch...but, Lindsey Von won the bronze and the people are upset...c'mon...and, we have a gals hockey team?...and a real good one, I guess, that won the gold!...hey, it wasn't on my radar...
The Amazing Race...had as a couple in it...some newbies from the reality show, 'Big Brother'...and they ended up winning the race...don't these people just go from one show to another...like on the circuit of reality ones?...
On the home front...we have this policy on our fridge, range, dishwasher, washer and dryer...OK, you get the idea...we pay $75 and they fix 'em...well, I had proclaimed our dishwasher officially dead...not so fast, my friends...the policy people have to declare it...and then they will pay like $600 for a new one...anyway, they sent out a dude to fix it...he ordered a part...then came back a week later to install it...BTW, when is the last time that you hand washed your dishes?...such a bonding time...when he returned he had to take the whole bloody thing out...and virtually remade it...true story...he was sweating with the oldies, I tell ya...and it works like a charm...
Tiger is in that state aforementioned...Florida...for a T...step 3 of his 'comeback'...you think he has a shot at being who he once was?...I, the Horse, doubt it...but, I want to see his game come back...hey, he has been named an assistant coach for the Ryder Cup team...'they' must like him...
Today, I get me hairs cut...you know the drill...I say 'leave it long on top, short on the sides (number 2), and block the back'...they say, 'yes sir'...and give me the military cut...'$12 please'...
Finally, here is the new look of our reconditioned roof of the SD Convention Center...does not appear Madonna influenced?...I mean, c'mon...