The Weekend

Out at the Farmer's, the last year's champ, Jon Rahm, has moved into contention again...young buck that can hit it a mile...Lefty had a terrific two days and is right there...however, the lights are all on Tiger...who crafted out a -1 on the NC...and MADE the cut...hey, he will get better...he is pain free...and best of all, the clan of ours that is going out to Torrey on Sunday, get to see the spectacle...
An interesting NBA game last eve...the Rockets were at the N'rleans whatever they are now...should be the Jazz, right?...the Jazz are now in Utah...give me a break...think there is any Jazz there?...furthest from it in this country...I digress...N.O. won it...the inside game of Houston stinks...oops, too rabid...however, the big news is that Boogie went down...Cousins...appears to be his achilles...if true, he is through for a long time...absolutely the finish to playing that game...
Hey, I was talking 'germaphobe' the other day...and then saw this...which I never, ever thought of...probably one of the biggest germ carriers?...your bloody TV remote...use them wipes regularly on 'em...don't spray anything on it...could mess up the works...household hint from the Horse...
Think that Hope is Ms Hick's real name?...sometimes people make up those to be know most stars don't use their real ones...they have them catchy 'Lucy Ball' ones...well, to protect the innocent...
PD see this show?...there is no way that I could be a cop...those peops get all the credit they deserve...and more...there are a lot of bad dudes running around, and er, driving around...and this show gives a hint of what the police have to deal with...oh my...
Your Super do know that people bet lots on the game...right?...well, there is this bloke who went into the MGM in Vegas...and wagered 'multi-millions' on the Eagles...the powers to be at that casino...had to do some verifying...took a few days...accepted it...and then, promptly DROPPED the spread from 5.5 to 4.5, favoring the can still get the 5.5 elsewhere, just not at the MGM...I sweat over $5...
Ah the rumor center...with the Cavs...reminder that the whipping boy is said to be All Star Kevin Love...hmmm, not so fast my friends...digging deeper, it could be that the lads are actually talking about Isaiah Thomas...who I have told you...that his presence changes that team...and NOT in a good way...and that is the latest from Cleveland...back to you, Chet...
Remember the Huntley/Brinkley Report?...NBC's version of the news...way back when...listen, they were one of the great teams in broadcasting...combating the CBS's Walter Cronkite...3rd place always was whomever ABC tried...anyway, one was in NYC and the other was in DC...this now goes way back...a Horse the 8th grade we had to make a live speech...and these 2 real smart dudes in class, did their version of Huntley/ was so good, that no one wanted to follow them...weird memory...I can actually remember their names...Dave Albright and Randy Graves....I was in the back of the room flipping nickels....all true...back to you, David...
You see we have this off white silk know where I am going to go with gets dirty...bad dirty...anyway, we took it back to where we bought it...he told us to bring it back whenever we needed it cleaned...'you didn't walk on it with shoes did you?'...I mean it's a rug, dude...isn't that what you are supposed to do?...can't hang it on the wall, now can we?...he got it spotless...and I afraid to walk on the bloody rug...
I dunno about all this girl power may have finally gone too know, the Kentucky Fried Chicken biz...named their new Colonel Sanders (why isn't there an r somewhere in that word?) and it is a she...Reba!...Reba in white hair?! thing you know this country will have a female president...oh my....
I'm not sure, but all of this could be considered mindless drivel...