The Titans Are Fodder?

Playoff week number two in the NFL...and my beloved Tennessee Titans are still rambling on...but, to the pleasure of most 'analysts', it is a blow out game in New England...ZERO % chance of a victory for the upstart lads, dressed in Titan blue...ah yes, so most won't even watch it...

Not so fast, my fellow Horsites...there will come a day...that the mighty Patriots will fall flat on their faces...and their opponent will be hitting on all cylinders...could this be the day?...if the D puts pressure on Tom Terrific...and the O can let Marcus ramble himself...hmmm...


There is this little tidbit released that Prez T, er before he was Prez...paid off a porn star for silence...ha ha...really?...truth or fable?...does this stuff ever end?...

Watched a terrific flick last night...'The Butler'...about a guy who worked in the White House as one...his history and all...a huge line in the gal who played his wife...Oprah Winfrey...'I always wanted to go to the White House', something to that effect...very prophetic?...maybe...may BE...

This crap that the evil dad, Lavar Ball, has let out of his pie hole...that the LaLa Lakers head coach, Luke Walton, and the boss of his eldest son, Little Ball...saying that Walton 'has lost control of the team'...may have legs...what?...the long range plan is to bring in...the King...and he has a coach that he may want to bring with him...egads...the story line has KNOW what I'd do...get rid of all Balls...

The NBA All-Star game...the league has a new method of operating it...the two top vote the fans...are team captains and do a school yard pick of the rest of the players...OMG!...thus, there is no east or west...not sure why...but let it's a no D, dunk fest...and will still be that...regardless of how the teams are picked...

In the demise of your Cleveland Cavs...the team is looking to alter their situation by the trade market...the first name out of the hopper, is the KFam Khloe's latest, T Thompson...what would be the return on him?...this trading crap has always left me you are a piece of meat...or something...imagine if the real estate biz did that...'we have traded Radar to Coldwell Banker for Jessica Hahn'...which will make our office more competitive...yea, OK...see what I mean?...

Just when you thought that you couldn't get to Vegas in time to see the Brit Lypsinc Show...your fears are over...she is back! the Monte Carlo...another run...oops, I did it

A 20 year old Floridian dude won the $450 million buck lottery...and promptly declared he is retiring...wait, what?...retiring at 20?...from what?...

Here listed are all of Brit's big hits..._________________________...


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