
Well now, that sounds more like one of them modern day hit songs, right?...BOMBOGENISIS...this weather phenomena...that is set to hit the east coast...probably in New England...extreme drop in low pressure...creating a cyclone effect...thus, the name most given to it...'The Bomb Cyclone'...crazy high winds, plus, loads of that snow the bitter cold...well, there you go...the cold, is up and down the coast...but, this Bomb will hit the NE...

And all we want on this other coast, is to get some rain...any rain...any moisture...this is just a weird, weird, weather pattern in our country...right now...

Whatever it takes to get these two countries to talk...North and South Korea...trying to join hands and unite as one for the....get this...Olympics...what?...I must be misreading the statements out of the two lands...did you read the ridiculous tweet about the bigger button, by Prez T?...oh my, in reference to the Foo's button on his desk...ah heck, one might say, who is the foo?...I digress...

Utah is an interesting that prides itself in the religious conservatism that is normally referred to as Mormonism...right?...anyway, their Senator, Orrin Hatch, is retiring, er, resigning, aw, I don't know what to call it...and looming on the the dude from LaJolla, CALIFORNIA...wait, he must have a pad in Salt Lake City, too...Mitt Romney...yessiree bob, that guy...the oft run Prez wannabe, that didn't win, er never won...anyhoo, he is the front runner...isn't he always?...

Who would tag his kid 'Orrin?'...I'm just saying...'why honey, why don't we name him Orrin...' the response must have been, 'WTF!'...wait, that couldn't be know, the Good Mormons, 'WTH?'...

Alabama...I must be talking about states today...well...their University's football team is playing for the D-1 Championship...for the 3rd straight year...I always pull against 'em...I think their coach, the highly acclaimed Nick a first class jerk...the way he talks to his assistant coaches is an embarrassment to the game...witness the dressing down of his OC in the last one versus Clemson...c'mon Georgia!...whup his sorry arse...

Of course, I have a bit more than that in my if the Bulldogs win...I'll get a piece of the winner's pie in the bowl pool I am in...sure, it's a long shot...but, I would lurve to see the panic on Saban's face in the waning moments of his demise...ha ha ha...

Tennessee...more state oh my...there is quite the eyebrows raised around the city of Nashville...not just that the mighty Titans are in this weeks' playoffs...but, that there is speculation of shenanigans with the release of the 50 stitch Carrie thing...pix of her after the fall...and nothing to show any wear and tear on her face...ah yes, there are conspiracy rumors...

NYC, not a state, but it seems like one...right?...yesterday's news...ha spiked a bit Hoda Kotb, the new NBC Today Show getting seriously way lower pay than her male predecessor...well, he was paid, for many years...she is just beginning...I get it...not sure if the other gender does...

Today...not NBC' heading out to the club for a golf T...the only problem, is that my lower back is giving me's a team event, so it is a must go...stretching, ibuprofen, and whatever else it takes to alleviate the pain...maybe a flask of something...the infamous 'birdie bottle' that has since been renamed as the 'par bottle'...for obvious reasons...

'The Name Game' by Shirley me just one line in the song, that had any reference to any one of them that could possibly rhyme with...Orrin...I digress...


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