The Horse Awards
'Hey baby, they're playing our song' recognize that line?...this is the day, that the Horse gives out his BEST and WORST of the year, two thousand and seventeen, er 2017...or '17...whatever...over 360 days of trials and tribulations, whatever that means...dictates the brain of the divulge the winners...his winners, er, MY not speak in the 3rd person...listen, is just an may not agree with's OK...I get that a lot...
Do I start with the best or the worst?...let's go with the many nominees...without a doubt, for ya'll in it, the stock market...a steady upward angle that befuddles most of us...the DOW, S & P, and the NASDAQ...all up substantially...normally, this would be the winner...nothing tickles the Horse more than $...normally...
Tweets...what?...this could also be in the worst...however, gone are the fireside chats of other Prezzes...this is the mode of info in the now world, I first, I thought that this was a joke...maybe it is...but, in the big scheme of things...let's lump it all with social networking...and leave it at that...couple this with FACEBOOK...which is an incredible web net phenomena...keeping in contact with friends, not only in the now, but in the past...way cool...and certainly a candidate for the Best...
Cell particular, the iPhone...hey, the Samsung peops swear by theirs, too...where or when, did you ever think that you were going to be carrying your own little computer around with you...everywhere you, the face recognition to open the dang thing up...just keeps getting better and better, and costlier and costlier...still...
You see, these are mostly daily things...that have improved and made the day go a bit faster and...better...right?...but, the award goes to a couple of groups...of people...civil servants...that PROTECT us...the police and firefighters...the daily watch of potential disasters by the scum of the earth...Cops must be vigilant...on guard...and have dedicated their lives to save ours...and...oh my...the year's fires in Cali...both tragic and terrifying...battled and beat by the people more deserving...yup, the Horse goes to them...with great adoration...
On the other side of things...the WORST of '17...well now, we live in a highly negative press world...witness the amounts of stories that are BAD...or people acting sure, that the story will be the headline...99% of 'em are in this category...thus, we have more to sift through...just do what I do every single probably all eleven of my sources...before I write...rarely, and I do mean, rarely, is there a positive one...
So that's where I'll start...the demise of the written newspaper form...I fear, that soon, it will be a thing of the past...most millennials, do not lieu, read the web net, or, gulp, watch the pixel news...for their info...the ONLY positive one on the air, is CBS's Sunday Morning...
The lack of melodic songs...this was the worst year ever...EVER! me one that you can,'s about time to get back to the ones, that have lyrics...and melodies that are not only catchy, but match up...and yes, don't get me going on the now's been forever, that we have had the itch to go see one...
The Weinstein thing...long considered a trait of the business...of movie making...but mostly in jest form...turns out to be real...and real ugly...certainly, the worst of the worst...but, I ain't gonna give that bloke any award...
The NRA lobbyists...every year a candidate...and every year we have some form of mass executions at the hands of rapid fire assassins...and every year we have Congressional types calling for reform...and every year, somehow the issue gets tabled...and every year we hear that it is a by-product of someone who needs a psychiatrist...blah bah blah...
Lavar Ball...the worst parenting know there will be copy cats...he's the dude who marketed his kid...all the way to the NBA...and is doing so with his 2 other kids...see above, I am not giving this bloke anything...I could say this about the KFam, too...perennial nominees...ha ha...but NOT the winner...
Geez, this is getting to sound like one of those pixel morning shows...I am, I will get to the we can get on with the day...the Horse for the WORST goes to...drum roll please...the Spanos Group...for taking our Chargers away...settling the team in a soccer stadium....that maxes out at 27,000...which they have never, ever....even come close to filling up...what a pooh...and I mean much worse, much worse...
Oh yea, the first line that I started with...was by the Buckinghams...
Do I start with the best or the worst?...let's go with the many nominees...without a doubt, for ya'll in it, the stock market...a steady upward angle that befuddles most of us...the DOW, S & P, and the NASDAQ...all up substantially...normally, this would be the winner...nothing tickles the Horse more than $...normally...
Tweets...what?...this could also be in the worst...however, gone are the fireside chats of other Prezzes...this is the mode of info in the now world, I first, I thought that this was a joke...maybe it is...but, in the big scheme of things...let's lump it all with social networking...and leave it at that...couple this with FACEBOOK...which is an incredible web net phenomena...keeping in contact with friends, not only in the now, but in the past...way cool...and certainly a candidate for the Best...
Cell particular, the iPhone...hey, the Samsung peops swear by theirs, too...where or when, did you ever think that you were going to be carrying your own little computer around with you...everywhere you, the face recognition to open the dang thing up...just keeps getting better and better, and costlier and costlier...still...
You see, these are mostly daily things...that have improved and made the day go a bit faster and...better...right?...but, the award goes to a couple of groups...of people...civil servants...that PROTECT us...the police and firefighters...the daily watch of potential disasters by the scum of the earth...Cops must be vigilant...on guard...and have dedicated their lives to save ours...and...oh my...the year's fires in Cali...both tragic and terrifying...battled and beat by the people more deserving...yup, the Horse goes to them...with great adoration...
On the other side of things...the WORST of '17...well now, we live in a highly negative press world...witness the amounts of stories that are BAD...or people acting sure, that the story will be the headline...99% of 'em are in this category...thus, we have more to sift through...just do what I do every single probably all eleven of my sources...before I write...rarely, and I do mean, rarely, is there a positive one...
So that's where I'll start...the demise of the written newspaper form...I fear, that soon, it will be a thing of the past...most millennials, do not lieu, read the web net, or, gulp, watch the pixel news...for their info...the ONLY positive one on the air, is CBS's Sunday Morning...
The lack of melodic songs...this was the worst year ever...EVER! me one that you can,'s about time to get back to the ones, that have lyrics...and melodies that are not only catchy, but match up...and yes, don't get me going on the now's been forever, that we have had the itch to go see one...
The Weinstein thing...long considered a trait of the business...of movie making...but mostly in jest form...turns out to be real...and real ugly...certainly, the worst of the worst...but, I ain't gonna give that bloke any award...
The NRA lobbyists...every year a candidate...and every year we have some form of mass executions at the hands of rapid fire assassins...and every year we have Congressional types calling for reform...and every year, somehow the issue gets tabled...and every year we hear that it is a by-product of someone who needs a psychiatrist...blah bah blah...
Lavar Ball...the worst parenting know there will be copy cats...he's the dude who marketed his kid...all the way to the NBA...and is doing so with his 2 other kids...see above, I am not giving this bloke anything...I could say this about the KFam, too...perennial nominees...ha ha...but NOT the winner...
Geez, this is getting to sound like one of those pixel morning shows...I am, I will get to the we can get on with the day...the Horse for the WORST goes to...drum roll please...the Spanos Group...for taking our Chargers away...settling the team in a soccer stadium....that maxes out at 27,000...which they have never, ever....even come close to filling up...what a pooh...and I mean much worse, much worse...