Everyone's Gone To The Moon

'Streets full of people'...as the song begins...Everyone's Gone To The Moon...you see, I was playing so many old vinyls the other day...and stumbled on this song...it's a beauty...from the LP, 'The British Are Coming'...OK, I peeked (peaked?) your interest...

Jonathan King wrote it and recorded it...others like Chad and Jeremy, Nina Simone, Jan & Dean, and even Doris Day covered it...I listened to it a couple of times...yup, I liked it then and I like it now...but, listen up kids...you can actually hear the words to it...hmmm...and they got me a thinking...what is their meaning?...not like so many of the pop songs of this era...just a gaggle of words (maybe) clumped together...to fit whatever melody there may be...

And then...I saw the ultimate interpretation...that it had to do with the military peops...JK wrote it in 1965...he was a student at Cambridge U...it was an abstract tune, that had reference to the futility of the soldiers in Vietnam...think about that...it was the BEGINNING of that shameless political battle...dig it up...or find it on iTunes...powerful...


These damn bowl games...go figure...sailing along so nicely...and then miss 6 of 7...thus, I am 12/10 and probably right in the middle of the group...or worse...

The Cavs got beat...in...gulp...Sacramento!...what?...40 yr old Vince Carter led the Kings with 24!...imagine, he is 40...and they whupped the King...ha ha...the Kings beat the King...Golden St woke up in the 2nd half and absolutely buried the game Jazz...still, the Warriors are without Curry...and still, winning...

Weird day yesterday...we went to Cedros St on a look see...and...as we got out of the Lexus...the fob wouldn't lock it...tried Marsh's...same fate...called Lexus and they said that the batteries needed to be replaced...we wondered, 'both at the same time?'...off we went to a locksmith's...the dude there was so hammered, that he mumbled that he didn't have a screwdriver to unfasten the fob...I guess...we bolted...and as we got out to the rig...somehow, it worked!  WTH?...still does...

And...we have been looking to replace my office chair...rather than just buy it online...I like to actually see it in person...and sit in it, er on it...off we went to Jerome's for one that seemed ok ...when we got there...there was the one, that their workers used, too...and it was all beat up...weird...we bolted...long story short...Pier 1 has and we have, now, the perfect one...they matched the online price discount...whew, TMI...

After all the letdowns of the past 2 or 3 weeks, the Titans can STILL make the playoffs...if they win vs Jacksonville...hmmm...watch carefully on your bets this weekend...as the teams already in...are resting many of their stars...sounds like a good time, to NOT wager...

It's that time of the year...that the Horse gives out his best and worst...of '17!!!!....so many nominees...that's for sure...coming out tomorrow...it's a can't miss version of Crazy Horse...

4 more bowlers today...one over at the Q, or whatever it is called now...MSU vs WSU...as I look over me picks, I have TCU beating Stanford...I must have been high on extreme amounts of shots of bourbon...

Later, dudes...


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