4 Days 'Til Christmas

Morning, ya'll...this is the time, that the Horse does a mad dash down to the Mall...and hope, beyond hope...that there is something that exists on the rack...that will fit me woman...listen, most everything I get, she takes back...not sure why I don't just purchase the most gawd awful thing in the store...do my version of the wrap...and make it more of a mockery...geez, it is not too much in the Holiday spirit...right?...sorry...

4 days left...honestly...now, hold on to your apron...I have already done 98% of me shopping...DONE!...what?...the beloved web net...of course, not everything has arrived here...YET!...promised prior to Xmas...so they say...I bet I am ahead of YOU!...ha ha...

Got a GREAT call from our PNW buddies, them Gahrs...as we are hooking up in the New Year...they are so much fun...and the Pac 12 playoffs in Vegas is part of the connection...really adds some spark to the calendar...just a surprise...

Now that the Repubs passed their tax plan on us...I thought that it took some Demos to crossover to get 'er done...it didn't...we must try to figure out how it affects each and every one of us...I sense, that you very rich people, are getting a break...yea...YOU!...us commoners, I doubt it...

Be fortunate that you live in a country that you can voice your opinion about your leadership...there is an NBA bloke, Enes Kanter, that voiced his about Turkey's Prez...and if and when he returns there...he is looking at up to 4 years in their slammer...imagine...if that was the USA policy...the prison would be overflowing...right?...

The LaLa Lakers did the upset of the season, thus far...beat them Rockets, in Houston!...tickled me...as I like to see two things happen in the league...Lebron get beat...and the Beard getting beat...not sure why...but I do...

Your dad of the year...Lavar Ball...wants to start his own league...for HS graduates in hoops...rival the collegiates, I suppose...listen, he is trying to find a spot that his other two kids can play...rather than send them over to Europe...much like the KFam, he gets WAY too much air play...hey Lavar, don't send them to Turkey...wait, maybe do that...

Not sure why I like to see what is going on in NYC so much...well...maybe cuz that's where the pixels show their AM shows from...and...the web net site of the NY Post is kind of fun to gander at...check it out...I do everyday...and well, it's way over there...and we are, way over here...

I know it's science and all...but can you marvel at the way the birds are able to fly?...it amazes me...PBS did a special on just that...something about the wind patterns...oh yea...and there is a pole outside our condo...that a sea gull flies in and perches...every single AM...we call it RDub...

You think that Apple doesn't control too much?...it is being suggested that they are slowing down the older iPhones...hmmm, do get you and I, to buy the newer version...of course, I saw an article today, that instructed you how to speed your oldie but goodie, UP....

Hmmm, so off we go to the Mall...this afternoon...who says we are smart?...nobody...


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