Seems to me

Seems to me...
That there are way too many of these hoop analysts all over the pixels now...used to just be the Chuck, Kenny, and Shaq show...on TBS or TNT, I get the two confused...ESPN has theirs, and the individual teams have theirs, too...too much time to talk about an elongated season of overpaid pros...let's just say, all you need is right here in the Horse...
I will say this...the dudes play way too many games...and it taxing on the body...but, with the millions of bucks they get...NOW...I get go to any of them?...a good seat costs you at the bare minimum, a couple of hundred dollars...
The Ball bust continues on...this time, the info is out of the daddy front...he referred to Prez T's connection with the release of one of his other sons in China, with a mind boggling 'who?'...we need to shut him down...
More of the JFK assassination files are being leaked out...well, released...and one that is being barely talked about...was one that had the Oswald killer, Jack Ruby, making contact with a CIA agent...on the day of the Kennedy death...'watch the fireworks'...and Ruby was close by the school book it happened...if true...well, what can you believe...or who can you believe...the government?...not so sure...are you?...
Speaking of killings...what on earth is going in Vegas?...there is nothing being released about the mass there more to be said?...and the guy who was the security guard at the Mandalay Bay...other than talking to Ellen D, what happened to him? this odd, or what?...
If I was going to go back and redo things...I'd be a plastic surgeon...amazing what can be done now...look at what the pretty people transform themselves into...hmmm...of course, photoshopping helps...and there must be gazillions of nips and tucks...everywhere...and that's what I'd do...naw, just kidding...
Sometimes I take for granted, the terrific weather we have down here in SD....always some form of 70*...which gives me the ability to go golf year round...and hit the beach...and...
So close...2 blocks away is the off track betting the a beer or two...analyze the the race...hmmm, now this is what I could do in my later years...wait...ah...had a very good day doing so yesterday...there is a fine too well, and you sign a tax form...
Thanksgiving...this next week...what are you doing?...we are not cooking...or traveling...gonna go to Seasons 52...and let them do the work...the family?...we get them either this time or Christmas...we get the, we eat and decorate...put up the tree and the many Santas...and make ourselves happy...yes, and I watch pro football...
I don't know why this is...but, I enjoy watching some teams lose...will do so 'til the end of the games...really...the Cowboys, the Cavs, any team from the SEC, USC, and Notre Dame...can be any sport, too...what is wrong with me?...
Why do we have to endure the antics of Kathy Griffin any longer?...she is not funny...and is trying like the dickens, to take anyone down with her, that she can...couple her with the Ball papa, can't they just go away?...
Almost finished with the Garfunkel book...weird and wacky...or, maybe he is so deep, that he confuses moi...hmmm, could be the last thing...but, he sure can sing...
If I could see I busted me finger me senior year in, dropped out of typing class...couldn't hit the 's' too well, and didn't want a bad now I peck and paw...I'd a been a tremendous author...if...
OK, gotta run...get some food...and head on out...nice talking with you...