Sanctity Gone

"Where you going?"...the often posed question to one prepared to write a paper for an English class...and off you'd go to the ...LIBRARY! know, where all them books are (were) stored...and where the encyclopedia that showed where most anything pertinent that you had to look up...was...daily newspapers (in print) on a rod, neatly placed where anyone can read...of course, you had to have a Library Card...$5 maybe for a year...shoot, maybe for life...and the be late with a book, and you got dinged...right?...

Quiet...the shhhh of it all...if you wanted, you could seek sanctity...get lost in a book, or whatever...or, be seen...too...depended on what your agenda was...

They were everywhere...a city one...all schools had 'em...a state one...the list went on...written history of the people and the country...make that, of the world...all at your fingertips...well now, times have changed...

The computer...put all that info on screen...that one could look into...and see what it took a bit of maneuvering to get back in the, you have Wikipedia...and other sources...and it's pretty much fact, you get mad if it doesn't pop right oh my...

So what happens to all them books? know it costs to keep the buildings a going...even though, few people go to the Library...anymore...however...the peops in the know...kept up with the times...and you have COMPUTERS in the LIBRARIES now...just in case you don't have one at home...hmmm...still...

I miss the concept of it... this where I'm going?...not really...but there were times in the golden days of Hollywood...that to be a star, and a had to audition for some pretty awful MEN...that was the assumption...hmmm...came back to life now with this Weinstein nowadays life...

I sneaked a peek at the Vietnam War I was laying in me bed, ladened with whatever sickness I have...and watched what I already knew...but, it was substantiated yet again...that LBJ was a bad dude...and got us into that war...

I have the iPads and all...but, I prefer the hard bound books to read...just cuz...seems different to me...and...I go in cycles...I'll read two in a week...and then go months without...

These fires in NoCal are devastating...a tragic loss of so many things...let alone the lives lost...will take years to rebuild...natures way?...I dunno if I really believe that...

Some really good beisbol games today...the Nat's/Cubbies and the Yanks/Indians...even better, as I don't care who much more fun to be impartial...and also, have no scratch on 'em....

You looking for a condo in NYC?...for a mere $27 million (really!) you can buy JLo's...drop in the bucket for many of the NBA dudes nowadays...

I happened on the KFam show by accident...true...and I must say this...this is just awful...hey, they are laughing at us...too many negative adjectives to use...

Not sure what Prez T was talking about with the NFL having tax breaks...the league office has some...but the individual teams do not...a bit confusing...

Call me a turncoat...but, I am pulling for Mike Leach and his Cougs to run the table...hey now, I'm still the Duck fan...but I'd lurve to see WSU win out and get a shot at the good bowl game...

The NBA starts up this weekend...really...I am a bit skeptical about the too many blokes to keep happy...unless you win them all, which they won't...

The US soccer guys got eliminated from the World Cup...a big deal for a lot of peops...not for me...geez, some are calling for the ouster of most everyone involved...we are better at the other futbol game...

99% of my incoming emails are ads...I can't 'unsubscribe' fast enough to keep up with the new ones that emerge...

I haven't read one post that boasts about the improvement of the iPhone fact, I am hearing about a problem with the battery in 'em...wait for the X, kids...

Your girl Miley...bragged that she has an all girl team on the, that means that there are fewer guys the other 'coaches' don't have an all boy team...reverse discrimination?...ha ha...I see one major flaw in her scheme...she is the 'coach'...

Just read back me blog for today...kind of like the way my head is...all over the place...stay well...!!!


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