Missed Steps

Morning, ya'll...it's a golfing day...and an early tee time, duh...so this is one of them short, sweet, and to the point, messages...

No matter how hard the NFL tries to squash what the real problem is...decreased viewers, decreased attendees...and a player who has limited abilities who can't get a job...in the eyes of those who think it is racism...the Prez statements still override it...these are missed steps...

When there is 30...THIRTY!...NBA teams scattered throughout the country...and the elite players choose to band together in but 5 of them...the haves and the have nots is greater than ever before...go ahead and name the squads that have a chance against the Warriors, Cavs, Celts, Rockets, and the Thunder...name me one...you have 25 that are destined for mediocrity, at best...

The President's Cup...man, is this a stretch nowadays...PGA style...in NYC...the US versus the World, well, without Europe...that is the world, right?...anyway, the Capt, Steve Stricker, says that his team will not kneel while the anthem is played...whew...odd timing, huh...USA!...and did you know, one of our assistant coaches, is none other than Tiger?...great to see him out there...

A sign of the times?...the bloke that Prez T went down to 'Bama to support on his election attempt...got beat...this is where the Prez made his infamous 'SOB' remarks...man, how did this guy lose?...

How many K Fam can be pregnant at the same time?...isn't there an unwritten rule about this?...oh yea, and when has it been approved that 'marriage' is not necessary in the process?...dang, c'mon Horse...kids will be kids...and thus, will have more kids...no ring needed...

Geez, that's 5 ladies in all...well, I guess 6...not sure how that count goes...and but one...is hitched...for now...right?...GIRL power...

Turrible...talking the broadcast of the Cubbie/Cardinal beisbol game last eve...the blatant Cub adoration was worse than ever...sorry, W fans, but it was my takeaway...their naming of the starters for the playoffs...and yet, they haven't clinched...teams have fallen apart in this situation before...just hold on to your thoughts until, and IF they do...

The wrap is on the closing of the Pad season...we are pitching dudes I have never seen before...and are getting pummeled...I dunno, but it is embarrassing to moi...TG, I just turn the bloody thing off...oh yea, this is against the Bums...where most of LaLa can't watch there own team, cuz of the cable TV shenanigans...what a mess...

Alrighty then...time to clean up and head on out to the course...FORE!...left and right...


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