Comedy or Calamity?

For THE country that is considered one of the, er, make that THE most desired one in the world...we don't look like that right now, do we...embroiled in unbridled hatred...what else would you call it?...there are those 'comedians' who feel the need to cross over the line...and talk seriously...about the Prez...and most all of his actions...hmmm...

Unity...there appears to be that finally...against the Prez...yup...his numbers have to be in the historic phase...right?...almost seems like the more he speaks or Tweets, the worse it gets...witness the debacle in professional sports...the term 'bullying pulpit' comes to mind...hold on there, Horse...

There are those out there who find what he says to be right on...and justifiable...and feel the need to speaketh their minds, too...'Stand Up' is their, there is not unity...and...there are different issues muddled in the water, mighty dirty water, I must add...

Where do we go from here?...I'm not there a middle ground?...does this just keep going on and on?...I listened to a number of analysts yesterday...and the fact is, nobody knows the next move...


North Korea has reacted to Prez T....saying that we were in essence, at war...really?...that they could take down bombers 'in their area' THIS is news...the Foo has a death wish...

Lost in the the fact that any notion of a repeal to Obamacare is a dead one...nope, they don't have the votes...and back it goes into hibernation...until more things get changed in the bill...

Germany has rehired their same leader, for the 4th straight time...Angela Merkel...Christian Democratic Union...wait, in the US, that's both sides of the fence, right?...

SDSU has moved up to 19 in the football polls...this is a good thing...and await the entire state of Northern Illinois to invade the area...for this Saturday's matchup...80*...yes...

Read the reviews of our new TV...LG Oled Curved...amazing and thus far, so true...

In the onslaught of losing money in the stores at the mall...JC Penney is closing more of theirs throughout the country...yup, another cornerstone of many of them structures...

OK, the line...the betting line...for those of you as interested as I...USC by 4 at WSU...Army by 24 vs UTEP...Oregon over Cal by 16...SDSU over N Illinois by 12 1/2...the Dawgs by 27 1/2 over the Beavs...the early lines...we'll go back to this on see any trends...

Wanna get a peek at some fun, country stuff?...turn into Kelly and Ryan this am...they have the highly entertaining, Chris Janson, on....

The song for the day?...'Gonna Buy Me A Boat' Chris...


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