Beechwood 4-5789

You remember back when...the telephone numbers began with areas, then went to letters...???...SAD5-9366?...yea, well, they are all numerical now...headed by the area code...or...the rotary phones themselves...every one had a land line...and party lines...earlier on, how things have changed...

The cell phone has made us the most talkative ever...shoot, throw in the bloody texting on 'em...and you can't go anywhere without the needed...iphone, or whatever you have...all sizes, all ages, and all over the place...

The latest and greatest?...the camera in 'em...not only can you take terrific shots, but sneak into privacy...just try and not take a pix if you run into a 'star' somewhere...all this, for a cool $1,000 or so...and get another year, you probably will shell out another thou for a later one...

Read a very in depth report on the collegiate hoop scandal that has just made the headlines by the laundering to the player's parents appears to be the major topic...the $ also filters down to the coaches, too...wire taps...plants...all the things that one might see on a good who done it flick...Adidas appears to be the main hit, on this one...being going on for quite some time...and the Univ of Louisville the center...there are many others, kids...if they locked up the U with their $...they probably have the goods on the coaches...should they lock the coaches up?...I dunno...seems to me there are much worse crimes out there...fine 'em and fire em...should do the trick...but, I dunno...

Beisbol has most of the playoff teams figured out...there may be one wild card slot still to be had...appears that the Rockies have it to lose...Nats, Bums, Astros, Cubbies, and the Indians...the leaders in the clubhouse...

I have heard lots about MLB Managers leaving a pitcher out on the mound for an extended period of time, and get preserve the bullpen...listen Mgr Green (Pads) why now? have all these minor league guys up and anxious to get out there...and you leave Clay Richards in for 8 runs in 3 innings?...give me and Clay a break...

You have your Tele set for 10 am?...the Prez Cup kicks off today...and 3 former Presidents will be there...Clinton, W, and Obama...that, my good friends, is way cool...not sure if the golfing Prez, T will show...anyway, the golfing shall be fun...and I lurve team golf...

The Horse did something that I haven't done for quite some time yesterday...10 pars...5 a side...where did this come from? idea...I have been quite the hack for about a year (ha ha, or more)...and this after starting the round, double double...hey, that sounds good...In N Out...

Hugh Hefner, has died at the age of 91...the founder of probably the most famous mag of all...Playboy...

When the Billie Jean King/Bobby Riggs tennis match took place way back when...I looked at it as silly...there is a flick coming out that relives it, this had more of an impact on gender equality than I thought...

Oh yea, the phone number that heads me blog today, the title of a hit song ( released in 1962)  by the Marvellettes...who, ironically, also had a hit song, 'Playboy'...


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