
Hi, ya'll...the 4th of July weekend is upon us...this is the week we have in Cocoa Beach, like FLORIDA!...been awhile since we have used it...thus, thinking about selling...hmmm...let me know..
just a different world over on that coast...

Intimidation...the Bums invade Petco and it is all over the place...Dodger Blue outnumbers whatever color the Padres are...4-1...the sounds, my gosh, the LaLa Land...not is happening on the field too...LA has won all but one of the matchups thus far...but, last night took the cake...

Down 4-0 in the first after giving up a grand the back up catcher...ho hum...we are up in the 1st...hit a double...then...the Bum's pitcher goes off on the SD runner on 2nd...accusing him of stealing signs...not sure if our guy even speaks English...true...right then and there...get after him!...nope...instead, the umps see it...have a confab and warn both benches...and don't tell the teams, WHY!...of course, that won't work...

At the end of the inning, both managers meet up with the home plate ump...tempers flare a bit...our Mgr Green says something flippant to the Bum's Mgr Roberts...then turns away...Roberts goes ballistic and charges Green...who cowers...INTIMIDATION!...I know what I would have's not what he did...of course, we got bombed 10-4...'go sit on your side of the dugout, Padres...and enjoy the show'...


Not sure when the best time is to have golf tournaments in the northeast...but, right now seems like a hit and them storms take over...sometime during the 4 days...not a fan of the thunderstorms as a player or a spectator...

The NBA trade of Paul George...wowser, out of the blue...he goes to OKC...did not see that it for just one season?...rampant rumor is that he wants to go to LA...Lakers?...why?...the Clips?...I could see that...but now he is stuck in Westbrook land...good luck with that...

Speaking of the Clips...they gave Blake Griffin a monster contract...unfathomable amount of money to stay...every fan who pays to watch these guys play, has to be $200 a year for the NBA package is a far cry from the guy who plunks down $300 (or more) a seat on a game by game basis...out of control...

That's 13 out of the top 14 players in the NBA...all settled in the wonder the Cavs are sitting tight...the other East teams are falling apart...easy path to the champ game for Cleveland...and...where does Gordon Hayward end up? Boston?...with his old college coach?...hey, he's a 2nd level dude...not a game changer...maybe a 3rd option guy...just telling the facts, mam...

2 more mass a Bronx Hospital and at a Little Rock Nightclub...does this ever end?...almost like at the ho hum phase of things...really?...

How about these Twitter Wars stopping...I mean, this is OUR Prez doing this...c'mon...

When Lefty and Bones called it quits in the golf triggered a thought about other caddie/player article in the Chicago Tribune...about the LPGA...a bit more saucy...the change of caddies by the players happens a lot more often...a lot...and there are some crazy reasons...

You ever watch the Canadian Football League...for those who need a fix on's on right now...I can't figure out who is in motion...weird stuff...

I saw this prompt...'what movie should you see over the 4th?'...there hasn't been a decent flick put out for over a 6 month the answer?...none...

Sony has said it will be making vinyl records in '18...hey, I saw in a record shop in Nashville, vinyls by the latest recordings already....I got a Little Big Town one...reinventing the what?...

We have about 8 months to figure out what rig we are gonna buy next...M doesn't like the Beamer...thinking on the lines of the Mustang Convertible...but...the jury is out...

And...we have yet to settle in on what we are doing for our anniversary...have not ruled Maui out...but...maybe it's time for our 1st it a good thing?...

There is this app, 'Quik'...way cool one...where you can make videos of your trips...from the pix you took on your iPhone...great stuff...check it out...

This is the 1st...thus...the bills...dang, I just ruined my Saturday...maybe yours, too...sorry...necessary evil...

The song for the day? about "Walk Like A Man" by the Four Seasons...dedicated to, well you know...see above...


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