Da Weekend

Morning, kids...yes, I am up early...tee time situation...how's your WEEKEND plans?...hitting the beach?...head on over to Vegas?...

Woaah, the news out of the Sin City...that a couple of people got Legionaries Disease at a hotel there...not where we are going...man, I haven't heard of that for some time...

The Cavs unleashed big time against the Warriors in game 4...right?...49 points in the 1st Q and breezed...let's be frank...the refs were brutal...I will say questionable officiating...but...hey, LeBron and Kyrie were on...but...well...on it goes back to Alameda on Sunday...good for Cleveland...and the KFam curse...ha ha...

You KNEW there was going to be a reaction from the White House after the Comey Confessions...wait, that's not right...the Comey Conundrum...there, that is better...Prez T says that he would talk to the panel, 100%...something like that...blah...normal stuff...

Cat fight...what?...just using the terminology of Cosmo Kramer...Katy Perry and Taylor Swift...is it just me, or are both of these 2 ladies a bit full of themselves?...c'mon...

Da Padre briefings...da management finally woke up...sent the whiffer, Detlef Schrimpf, down to AAA...geez, now who is gonna bat clean up?...imagine for a month the number 4 batter, and now in the minors...just so ridiculous that he was in that spot in the order...I digress...anyway, the Pads beat KC...good pitching by Chacin...6-3...hey, we got to our old, and I do mean old, starter...now in their pen, Chris Young...can't imagine him still hurling...

I am betting right now, that most every Pro Golfer is very aware of how he or she marks his or her ball on the green...ha ha...all eyes are on them...maybe we should go back to how the game used to be played...leave the ball down...play stymie...ha ha...'let's see, can you move your mark one to the left?'...that is what we do now...

We missed the Country Fest in Nashville by a week...better scheduling for next year is needed...that is, if we are going back...just a terrific place to vacay...

The Belmont Stakes...today in NY...the long one...takes a strong horse to compete there...heavy dirt...and a long stretch...no idea who to bet one...so, I took Gormley...the winners of the previous 2 races in the Triple Crown aren't even entered...talk about wide open...

Watched an '88 Johnny Carson Show...his 3 guests...Arnold Schwarznegger, Jerry Seinfeld, and 18 yr old Andre Agassi...it was great fun...you must find these and tape 'em...classic stuff...

Gots to wrap this up...find some grub...and head on out to the course...hey YOU, have a great Saturday...

The song for today?...'Saturday Night' by the Bay City Rollers...of course...


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