
Jaws!  Redoux...this just off the shores of LaLa Land...'stay calm, you are paddle boarding amongst 15 great white sharks'...WTH?...imagine...listen, we are getting more and more sightings of them...is the food source dwindling for 'em?...warmer waters?...I mean, they are in ankle deep waters, kids...we are getting better pix, due to the use of drones...modern tech...the original 'Jaws' movie was a great one, right?...maybe a bit more true than the fictional story...da dah, da dah, da dah...

The Comey firing...and the aftermath...more details are leaked...you following it, or are you just feeling like 'so what?'...well, I fear there are arteries to it...is this action a way for it to just 'go away?'...I have spent a good lot of time, defending what our leader has done...giving him a break, on many negative stories out of the lib press...but...

Correct me if I'm wrong...isn't the FBI Director supposed to be politically free?...or should be?...just like the Supreme Court Judges...basically, 'do the right thing'...and if it is true, that Prez T asked for Comey to 'pledge allegiance' to him...this reported by the New York Times...and Comey couldn't do it...and subsequently 'you're fired!'...I am starting to pick a side...there are arteries...stay tuned...

Dang, I can't stop there...Prez T then threw out another threat to the recently ousted FBI leader, via a Tweet..."James Comey better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press"...hmmm...this...my friends...is our Prez talking, er Tweeting...I bet the Tweet founder is going crazy...as I have said before, it is instant news...


The Beard...the alias of James Harden, of the Houston Rockets...had just a miserable series against the San Antonio Spurs...just awful...a potential MVP of the regular season...was hardly that for this playoff time...of course, he and his crew were up for slaughter by the brilliant mind of Pop...who attacked the Beard when he was feigning defense...that had to affect his O...and SA waltzes on to take on the Warriors...gots to think that they will try the high low approach on GS...er, use their height advantage...

The Pads...it's a game of inches, my friends...up 2-1 going to the bottom of the 9th in Texas...when we are 11-0 when leading after the 8th...really...well now...one out, runner on 1st...a soft liner to center...the runner is off and going...our CF Margot makes a terrific dive for the ball...if caught, a sure double play to WIN the game...but...the ball fell an INCH before the glove...a couple of batters later, a dinger...and we are now 11-1 after leading in the 8th...a game of inches...

Idol fans...hold the phone...the newly revamped version by ABC, will not get it's first winner as a judge...Kelly Clarkson...instead, the competition, the NBC's Voice, nabbed her...who is she replacing?...it's a cush job and must pay very well...I could do it...

You take in any of the Players yesterday?...man oh man...there is so much water on that course...I don't think that I could pack enough golf balls to finish the round...for sure, I'd have my golf grabber in me bag...anyway, the highlight?...the island green of number 17...when Sergio hit a hole in one...way cool...get this...there is this one pro...who has played the hole 7 times...and hit it in the water 5 of them...a pro!...Brooks Koepka...think he doesn't have nightmares about that hole?...BTW, I have a newbie winning...Jon Rahm...do NOT bet this...

Yes, I have got the check list all printed out for the trip...always do this...painstakingly go thru it...to make sure we don't forget anything...do we take a big suitcase or a carry on?...that's the biggest decision...

New music day...what is with the songs about and by Taylor Swift?...is there that much going on that he or she has to write, then sing about?...Harry Styles?...I guess so...and others...some singles released by...Morgan Myles...up and comer...Lady A...Miley Cyrus...wait...she can sang, but she is really....well, I will take the high road...Chris Janson...and get this...Rascal Flatts released a Carrie song..."I Know You Won't"...one of my fav songs by her...they do OK...but then listen to her version...ah ha, you will see what I am talking about...

Yes, so let's do this for the song of the day..."I Know You Won't" by Carrie Underwood...


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