The Speech

The new Prez gave his first speech to Congress...and the country, the Congressionals, and the pundits were all lined up ready to absorb what he said...and HOW he said it...ah yes...the line was drawn, too...the Demos and the Repubs...what was gonna give...

The Horse, calm down's just an observation...and not necessarily what the meat of it was...the delivery was very presidential...did it surprise me?...yes...and I am optimistic about the next 4 least in how he addresses the nation...Part 1?...solid...

Why do the Congressionals sit with their respective parties, rather than with their branches of service? they have to look at someone designated as to whether to applaud, not applaud, or stand up...really?...

Poof...went the knee of  Kevin Durant of the a freakish friendly fire collision with his own player...and there you go...the West got real equal in a flash...even the 8th ranked team has a shot now...these are very tall guys, totally dependent on wobbly legs...another example of how fragile these dudes are...

The Pads won!...OK, you KNEW they were going to...just had to...nobody goes thru the entire Cactus League winless...9-5 over the Giants...that kid, Blash, got 5 ribbie's...well, he's like almost, not so much a kid...

I had a battle with some food I ate last eve...paid for it all night long...hope I do better today as we are in a T out at need the extra event, so I have to perform...

HDCP Andy got us tix to the Breeder's Cup...super festive event in November, out at Del Mar...good stuff...

Speaking of tix...we are going to Herman's know who they are?...lead sanger is Peter Noone...great seats...they are doing two shows...we have the later one...

Education stuff...around here in SD...threats by the school board to close a bunch of PE classes, and thus, orchestra, and choir...sports...sound familiar?...combining classes to make the numbers huge...hmmm...

DWTS lineup was announced this am on GMA...hmmm...stars? least they have the major one...the Bachelor...a real star...right?...and Charro...what?...regardless, it will be fun...

President Oprah?...2020...let's see, she may join Kanye West, as early Demo candy peops...


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