Monday Decaf

Da's in March, Mother Nature...give us all a break!...from the wet lands of SoCal all the way up to the snowy PNW...what the heck?...this pattern is absurd...however, it is said that we are gonna get back to our later on...54* now....totally unacceptable, and this is NOT why we moved down here...and...ruining what is the BS Week...

Avoiding all da bad weather, was the continuance of Dustin Johnson as the dominant figure in the PGA...winning another T...this time in Mexico City...hey, this is after I posted about that you didn't have to be a long knocker to win there...he, my good friends, is in the zone...apparently, matured into what we all felt he could be...

Bad boys...a few 'stars' of the NBA...get loads of credit for their ability and raw talent...but act out poorly, quite often...and cause stress to every one around them...talking, of course, the most difficult of the lot, Boogie relation to Cousin Brucie...what?...he is strutting his stuff down in NoLa...and the other is the mercurial star of the Oky City (Soopersonics) Thunder, Russell Westbrook...often talked about as a possible MVP of the he just picked up his 16th tech foul...and, yes kids, that means he has to miss the next game...and docked his paycheck for it...hey, owner Marc Cuban of the Dallas Mavs, says that Westbrook isn't even in the running for the honor...I dunno, too many good stats affect the voter dudes...

Mysteriously quiet is the former Prez O on the allegations by the now Prez T...the wiretaps...the FBI is stepping in and down on it...ha ha...if it smells fishy, then it must be....fishy...

'13 Hours', the, I just talked into the remote...and it appeared...Voila!, that was way cool...and we saw what many thought was the unraveling of the was intense, for sure...but, from the flick, I got no condemnation of the then Sec of State...did you?...from the film?...

Don't shoot the messenger...but, Prez T's approval rating has risen...according to the Gallup Poll...from 38 to 43%...why?...I'm sure you Demos are fuming on these stats...just the facts, mam, just the facts...

The latest on the Flip and Flop...Flip left the contractor (old news) and Flop says he has a second cancer...hopefully, in they are now filming a new season of their show...does it seem awkward to you?...

Nikki know of her?...a singer of sorts...and was a judge on the now defunct American Idol...who, so famously, feuded with the one and only Mariah...was seen (and how) in Paris at a fashion show...her outfit will be copied in the next such show in NYC by one of them K Fam pick a name, and it could be the one...

North Korea keeps testing their missile the Japanese waters...just a matter of time, kids...a matter of time...

Kreskin here...he sees a bike ride in the near future...


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