Just Words


When you hear that word, does it not make you think of surveillance of the bad guys on social media?...'the CIA has picked up some chatter that suggests____'...my, how that word has changed it's meaning...


The NCAA Big Dance field was announced yesterday...and them pundits talked about it the rest of Sunday...gave their two bit analysis...then looked in aghast, at the Vegas Line...that differs greatly from the so-called prestigious number one seeds...that play the easiest games in the opening of the T...of course, which teams didn't make it?...these are the 'snubs'...


For most of the colleges and universities in the Nation...for their hoop team's dream is to get into the Big Dance...they get there by winning the season ending league T...not so, in the 'Power Conferences'...in fact, they don't even have to come close...witness, the Kansas Jayhawks...who lost in the FIRST round of theirs...and STILL got a number ONE seed...I listened to the Kentucky Coach, John Calapari, talk about the need for clarity..."why do we even play these season ending league T's?"...so true, John...for your teams, they are indeed...meaningless...


'Who put the hang in hangover?'...words from the Blake Shelton monster hit, "She's Got A Way With Words"...that the concert crowd sang with him, as did we...ha ha...it helped that the words were all over the stage...but still, what a great song...have you heard it?...put it on your list for today...trust the Horse...


For you house type peops...it's what you screw into the wall, so your 'rods' can hold your clothes to...but, for so many of you others...it's what you fill out for the chance on winning the big money in the aforementioned hoops tourney...and believe me, it makes no diff if you have any knowledge on who's who in this thing...just like a lottery tix...pick the teams in blue...


SNL...like in 'Saturday Night Live'...NBC's version of the yesteryear's CBS's Smother's Brothers Show...whew, that was a mouthful...satire on the present administration ...and back, then, too...and NO, it's not live...it's taped...and for sure...back then...they had a delay set up...in case the Bros went too far...tame in comparison to now...even when it's taped...er, recorded...whatever...'mom always like you best'...


The east is gonna get hit with a huge snowstorm...expecting like a foot of it...of course, that is where the base for most of our newsrooms are...thus...we will see the pretty white stuff...and, is it true, that no two snowflakes are the same?...what?...I mean there are a lot of them...no two?...you'd be hard pressed to prove it...or not...


No longer...dang...as the Houston Rockets are beating most everyone now...and my underdog team is coming out...so everyone can see...the Beard and his whiskers are here and now...whupped the Cavs yesterday...who, BTW, just may not win the East...gulp...you heard it HERE first...run to Vegas and put a quid down, now...


UCLA Bruins...don't buy into it...the people in the 'know' think that the Ball kid is the 2nd coming of Kidd or Magic?...naw, it's all hype...he and they are soft...and couldn't get by the Ducks or Arizona...so, then, how on Earth can they win it all?...what am I missing?...OK go ahead...pencil them in your bracket and prove the Horse wrong...be my guest...


This must be the year of 'em...as the winner of the PGA event in Florida was a dude with one...a Canadian...first time winner...which in the PGA is monster...2 year exemption to all T's...and ya"ll get to play in the bigs...especially the Masters....Adam Hadwin...out of Moose Jaw...really, that's the name of his city...Saskatchewan...geez, you need a beard to live there...

Full bodied dry heave...

Gotcha on this, don't I...this is a tie in...as the Seinfeld star...Elaine...er, Julia Lewis Dreyfus...has a son playing on the team from....drum roll please...Northwestern...who got in the Big Dance for the first time EVER!...and said that she would lead the fans with her rendition of her 'famous dance' from the hit series...please, Elaine, don't...


Sure, that's what happens when you ask a gal to be your....wait for it...wife...this is the culmination of the Bachelor Show...it's the result of the successful fantasy suite...has to be...and for this dude, Nick...he has a gal from Canada (another one?...see above) and the gal from the South (US)...the Horse's odds are ...Vanessa, even money...Raven, 10-1...and the chance for eternity?...1000-1...ha ha....shoot, he's already on the new DWTS...just can't be a good thang...

Words...it's just words...and, I gots lots of 'em...enjoy your day, kids....wherever you are...


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