Get Back!
I could be referring to the Beatles...a lively bit of fun...Paul sang lead and it puts you in a good mood
...'Get Back'...but, I'm not...I'm talking to Prez T and the Repubs...about their version of health insurance... has way too many flaws in it...ya"ll need to get back to the 'Drawing Board'...and come up with an alternative solution...quit penalizing the seniors...yes, I know I am taking this way too personally...but, right...maybe I am talking for all peops my age...take your time and get it right...
National International Women's Day...ah yes...and this just after National Pancake Day...I see no connection whatsoever...mega amount of rumors abound...that there are going to be protests in the streets...mostly about Prez T...ha ha...well, ALL of them...many are going to call in sick...fears of schools closing their doors, cuz of 11 sources, only one of them had this as a major topic...really?...whenever the schools close, it is a HUGE deal...let's get specific here...protest the health insurance proposal...
Wire, phone's a he said, I said, they said affair...listened to a broadcast last eve...that said...of course, there were wire taps...just no proof that it was at Trump Tower...see what I mean?...seems to me, we are truly back in the 50's after all...who are Communists?...or, talking to ' we go again...
The lil woman and I went on a hike yesterday down on 5th...had loads of fun...and tasted many excellent happy hour's foods...even ran into some of the, boss...if you haven't gone down to the new Pendry Hotel, you are missing a great addition...for you not knowing, this is in SD at the GQ...
NBA...the pundits are twiddling their thumbs...when doing so, they always get to talking about who may be the MVP...for 3 months it's been either Westbrook (who scored 58 in a LOSS to PDX last eve) or the Beard (Hardin of the Rockets), out of nowhere...and, or, boredom....comes the star of the Spurs, and former SDSU stud, Kawhi Leonard...loads of peops getting on the band wagon on this, too...
To keep in the day's devotion...'Women Tell All'...on the Bachelor...not much drama, as the women appeared to get along pretty well...of course, Corrine was the exception...and Nick seems to be a good bloke...let's see, 30 gals trying to land one guy...yup, a great can this not fail?...well now, it will change up the next time...30 guys doing the same to land one gal...amazing...
One of YOUR KFam insists she needs a vacay...what?...the home schooled Valedictorian just has so much on her plate, that she needs to get away...right on! on Dude...too much work for all of them...hmmm, wonder if her teacher is gonna walk the streets today...can't you just imagine what that school day was like?...right...
NFL shuffling...this is the time of the year, when the teams declare whether or not, they are keeping some's a money thinger...of course....and the hottest topic is the RB from the Vikings...elder Adrian Peterson...who wants a ring...and is trying to land in, the NE Patriots...and...the 'Skins trying to trade away their QB Cousins, no relation to Cousin Brucie...what?...I used that again?...bad Horse...
Me golf...walked the course yesterday...however, I am stuck in the 90's and I'm NOT talking the era...way too many errant shots...and lawdy, I am a putting spaz...gonna take the day off to rest my overused out my putter from the storage area...I sent a text to one of my playing partners...'My 2 wedges, driver, and putter got mysteriously busted last eve'...or words to that effect...
I dunno, maybe I should take some lessons...however...the last time I did so...the 'pro?' gave me the following advice...'hey pardner, your swing is you...quick...but that's OK...but you get a little faster at need to smoke a doob before you play'...$35 dollars, please...
And THAT'S the way it is, 3/8/17...
...'Get Back'...but, I'm not...I'm talking to Prez T and the Repubs...about their version of health insurance... has way too many flaws in it...ya"ll need to get back to the 'Drawing Board'...and come up with an alternative solution...quit penalizing the seniors...yes, I know I am taking this way too personally...but, right...maybe I am talking for all peops my age...take your time and get it right...
National International Women's Day...ah yes...and this just after National Pancake Day...I see no connection whatsoever...mega amount of rumors abound...that there are going to be protests in the streets...mostly about Prez T...ha ha...well, ALL of them...many are going to call in sick...fears of schools closing their doors, cuz of 11 sources, only one of them had this as a major topic...really?...whenever the schools close, it is a HUGE deal...let's get specific here...protest the health insurance proposal...
Wire, phone's a he said, I said, they said affair...listened to a broadcast last eve...that said...of course, there were wire taps...just no proof that it was at Trump Tower...see what I mean?...seems to me, we are truly back in the 50's after all...who are Communists?...or, talking to ' we go again...
The lil woman and I went on a hike yesterday down on 5th...had loads of fun...and tasted many excellent happy hour's foods...even ran into some of the, boss...if you haven't gone down to the new Pendry Hotel, you are missing a great addition...for you not knowing, this is in SD at the GQ...
NBA...the pundits are twiddling their thumbs...when doing so, they always get to talking about who may be the MVP...for 3 months it's been either Westbrook (who scored 58 in a LOSS to PDX last eve) or the Beard (Hardin of the Rockets), out of nowhere...and, or, boredom....comes the star of the Spurs, and former SDSU stud, Kawhi Leonard...loads of peops getting on the band wagon on this, too...
To keep in the day's devotion...'Women Tell All'...on the Bachelor...not much drama, as the women appeared to get along pretty well...of course, Corrine was the exception...and Nick seems to be a good bloke...let's see, 30 gals trying to land one guy...yup, a great can this not fail?...well now, it will change up the next time...30 guys doing the same to land one gal...amazing...
One of YOUR KFam insists she needs a vacay...what?...the home schooled Valedictorian just has so much on her plate, that she needs to get away...right on! on Dude...too much work for all of them...hmmm, wonder if her teacher is gonna walk the streets today...can't you just imagine what that school day was like?...right...
NFL shuffling...this is the time of the year, when the teams declare whether or not, they are keeping some's a money thinger...of course....and the hottest topic is the RB from the Vikings...elder Adrian Peterson...who wants a ring...and is trying to land in, the NE Patriots...and...the 'Skins trying to trade away their QB Cousins, no relation to Cousin Brucie...what?...I used that again?...bad Horse...
Me golf...walked the course yesterday...however, I am stuck in the 90's and I'm NOT talking the era...way too many errant shots...and lawdy, I am a putting spaz...gonna take the day off to rest my overused out my putter from the storage area...I sent a text to one of my playing partners...'My 2 wedges, driver, and putter got mysteriously busted last eve'...or words to that effect...
I dunno, maybe I should take some lessons...however...the last time I did so...the 'pro?' gave me the following advice...'hey pardner, your swing is you...quick...but that's OK...but you get a little faster at need to smoke a doob before you play'...$35 dollars, please...
And THAT'S the way it is, 3/8/17...