
have had more rain here in SoCal since we moved here, some ten years took like 3 of them first ones, to get's been like almost a full month's worth now...and my good friends up in the Pacific Northwest, have had a bundle of snow and damn cold for the entire month, too...supposed to have 3 straight, more days of the wet stuff in"we need it"...tired of that cooling?...ha ha...
Gone will be the eloquent way of talking to the country...Prez O let us hear again, his parting of the all time great orators...wonder what he will do next?...please, don't be a lobbyist...any comparison to one of them pro athletes? for 8 years...have the rest of their life to live...doing what?...
The great divide...the Demos are going to drive a stake in the line...I fear we are going to have 4 years of a battle...does this make us better? proof that the Repubs have elected the wrong bloke...wait, you must realize that the country did...they don't buy it...hey...I keep saying's YOUR fault...
My Doc appt is finally here...I'm kind of getting used to this bum thumb...wonder what the diagnosis will be?...BTW, did hit the GC yesterday...walked...had a 90...some good shots and some not so good...of course, I am the Klaven of the group...'Cheers' reference...ha ha...but true...
Bad day for the betting on the both the Cavs and Spurs got dumped...what?...PDX beat the Lake Show...TG for the LA team, the Blazer auto win...ha ha...pretty much their only...and, the Warriors beat the Heat...that sounded funny...but, GS is winning...but not doing the 'Bristol Stomp' like I think that they should be ...
Duke...I mention them not only cuz they are Coach K he had a back surgery...but more so...for their way of handling their 'star'...Grayson know the suspended indefinitely...which turned out to be one game...well...since...he has had a 'near trip' and a 'near coach shove'...hmmm, are they (Duke) valuing a win over doing the right thing?...a real tell me...
Call me a Marsh made her own chicken soup...from scratch...she's way sickly...however, I must say it was outstanding! what you would get at a fine restaurant...really...hey, she has to get her birthday is nearing...and the rule is, never be sick on that day...pictured here is Marsh with Barb Gahr and Kim Cross...we are meeting up with them in the next of my fav pix...ever...
We're doing that 'leave the lights up all year'...some may say that is a southern thang...ha ha...bigots!...hey, these change, we have them purple ones that match the interior of the hacienda...if you could see me now, I'd be snubbing me nose up to youse right now...
The upcoming Pack vs Cowboys game...what the country wants...right? will not be on the border of it...pick a side, dudes and dudettes...the line is 4 for Dallas...hmmm...I'll take the points and Green Bay...and bet that Tony Romo sees the actual playing field...what say you?... have no idea how humbled I am, thinking that you are taking time out of your day, me...the Horse thanks you SO much...
"The River" Hillary Scott ( and family) I turning religious?...I think more and more about it...thoughts that you, who know me well, will surprise...follow up with "Thy Will", it is powerful...I'm just saying...
More of you are figuring out how to post videos...this is the new 'it' thing to do...and also do some's on Instagram...I've given the thought to doing my blog like that...of course, I'd have to see the K fam doc first...dye me hair, get a nip and tuck here and there, get a botox, and siphon out some of the extra know, be like a rock star...before I'd go live...ha ha...naw, forget it...
Hey, kids stay warm...where ever you are...get yourself a white choc mocha...extra whip and extra hot...indulge...couple it with a warmed up scone...and enjoy your day...