Hall of Fame

Major League Baseball...the rights, er rites, of spring...pretty much lasts as long as the PGA Tour...ha ha...get to the point, Horse...the baseball writers, that have the honor to vote...do so for the prestigious Hall of Fame...takes 75% of the votes to get in...so, obviously, a cherished momento for the deserving blokes...hmmm, you may not like the way it's done...some may equate it to the antiquated Electoral College...

You see...I think it should be (the voters) made up of former players and managers...not these bloody pundits...however...that's the way it is...yesterday, this year's dudes who got in...3 of the 'roid years...who took 'em and who didn't?...some estimate as high as 75%...there is that number again...anyway...Jeff Bagwell, Rock Raines, and Pudge Rodriguez...were the ones...former Pad closer, Trevor Hoffman...definitely NOT a 'roid guy...got 74% and didn't make it...

Those were fun years for the fan...the ball was rocketing out of the ball yards like no other...thing is...all these dudes were all beefed up...want some proof?...take a look at the pix of these guys when they weren't juiced and when they were...but, do you ban them?...I dunno...it was the era...one could say, that many of the original players in (the HOF)...were there, cuz MLB didn't or wouldn't allow black players to play their game...hmmm...

On we go...

Let there be no doubt who is the dominant player in the NBA right now...fuggit about this nonsense about numbers of triple doubles...it should be, who is leading their team to the best record in the sport...Kevin Durant  of the Warriors...hands down...them pundits want to say the Beard of Houston and, or, Russell Westbrook of the Thunder (Soopersonics)...hey, the latter just got pummeled by GS last eve...I think Westbrook had a quadruple double in the loss...adding on his 10 turnovers...ha ha...sure seems like I am ragging on pundits...and I am...

I keep telling ya this...PDX is severely mismanaged...they got bopped again last night...in Charlotte...makes no diff where...they are a sad team...the way it's put together...enuff, Horse, enuff...oh yea, and now is the time that them pundits start screaming out for their all star dudes...I see many are choosing Kevin Love of the Cavs...what?...give me a break...when he played the Warriors this past week, he embroiled the movie "White Men Can't Jump"...embroiled?...well, he resembled a star of...there, that is better...and def not one of the best in the sport...no way no how...

Listened to the outgoing Prez...O...give his last press conference...he is the master...has that charm that will be missing...if my hunch is right...and, I hope I'm wrong...let's just say, it will be a huge change...and something tells me...in a few years, O will be in the Senate...another hunch...

You watching the Bachelor?...ah Nick...does the show always have a 'villain?'...well, this time it's the gal, Corrine...who will go to all ends to get her prize...why does the guy always fall for this type?...always...well, I think we know the reason...especially Nick...ha ha...

In the mid 90's...Michael Jackson...'hoo hoo'...bought a bunch of songs that were for sale...the Beatles songs....well, time has passed on as has MJ...and Paul McCartney wants 'em back...figure this will be in the courts for a bit...hope he gets them...

Vegas...some 'bookies' are accepting bets on the possibility of DJ Trump being impeached in the 1st 6 months of his presidency...4-1 odds...what?...and at 7-4 that he won't complete his entire term...oh my...

Weather...the storms are hitting the entire west coast...including here...normally misses us...not this time...we are heading towards 4 waves of 'em...which will dump a huge amount of the wet stuff on this land...'we need it'...egads...up 'til Tuesday...boo...

Dang, where's my rain coat?...

Oh yea...might be a good day to settle in...watch a good(? ) flick and have a tub of...POPCORN...hey, it's National Popcorn Day!...


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