
Morning, kids...how ya"ll doing?...just for kicks, I went back...way back...to the beginning of my blog writing...it started with a paragraph...geez, I must have had maybe 5 readers then...maybe less...amazing how it has evolved...anyway, here we go today, 1/31/17...

Feud...and it's a doozy...someone has stood up to Chuck...you know, Chas Barkley...the former NBA star...who now is an anchor on the TNT telecast of the NBA games...he is along side the host, Ernie Johnson, and 2 other NBA former stars, Kenny Smith and Shaq...it's an often comedic side to analysis of the games...sometimes it's more true stuff...

Chuck stepped on LeBron James a bit...called him out for not being the proper leader...of the Cavs...what?...the King (LBJ) may not be the very best player in the league...but NOT the face of the Cavaliers?...struck a nerve with him...and he lashed out and back at Barkley...

Reminding us all about what Barkley did in his playing days...certainly not a role model...for anyone...he has history of a number of instances...that were not becoming a "star"...then said, that he (James) has never been arrested, been caught gambling...on and on...ha ha...I recall when Chuck was playing in PDX, and he threw out a F U to one of my buds in the stands...oops...so it is said...

So...the counter punch has been thrown...Chas, your turn...

One more item...as I am heading out to the course...this am...the banter about my yesterday blog, "The Travel Ban"...you can disagree with me...I figured that would happen...but do not call me unintelligent...or stupid...or anything like that...I, like you, have an opinion...usually it's no more than an observation...

The Horse rests...


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