Da Fur Caper

You see, it all started with this...a FUR HAT...that Elaine bought for George...you know, Costanza...like "can't stand ya"...and he had this bright idea, that if he left it at this gal's apartment, he would get a call back...much to his dismay, it mysteriously was lost...

Here's the deal...and the fallacy of that episode...there's no way that she, Ms Benes, would ever have bought anything fur, for anyone..."do you realize that innocent animals gave their lives, so you can wear that item?"...so, the fact that she would have spent Peterman's $ for it...is totally bogus, man...even though it wasn't her cash...well, put on his account...

Which leads me to the real issue, er...CAPER!...many moons ago, my father bought my mother a fur coat...hmmm...he could have won it...anyway, that's not the point...she had a fur coat...like many of the women of her day...this sounds like a joke...no, my fine furry friends...a real dilemma...for clarity, I was in my single digit age...not sure which one...

However, I do remember my mom wearing it to one of the many functions that they went to...now THAT is tongue in cheek...but, I do recall her having it on...we, er someone, from our massive fam must have a pix...I don't...the plot thickens...

As both my parents passed on...no where to be found is that coat...there is no way she would have given it to a charity or anything like that...so it is missing...er, STOLEN!....much like my baseball cards...stop it Horse, that is digression, and we will not have it...so...just where did that coat end up?...

Hey, this is just like one of them 20/20 shows...there is no answer...so I got you reading 6 paragraphs...with no closure...maybe my sister purloined it...or, maybe my mom pawned it...ha ha...or it was left with the cards on Larsen St in our move...or, maybe it's in a closet in Englewood, where my brother still lives...

I think Inspector Clouseau is thru with the KK Paris thing, so he's available for this one...


Just a little antsy about the whereabouts of Tiger for Saturday...he had a 4 over first round at the South Course...if you haven't played it...it is a monster...so long...and now that it is wet and soggy...even the DJ's and Jason Day dudes were worn out...still, he has to muster up like a 4 under today to play the weekend...like make the cut...

The kids are here...and we are heading out to Sycuan for some golf, ourselves...today...the weather has changed back to normal SoCal type...a bit cool, but way sunny and enjoyable...we uncovered out patio stuff...sure seems like people smile more often when it is sunny....right?...

The NBA All Stars were announced...and yet again...the best dang PG that nobody knows about got left out...PDX's Damien Lillard...there's no doubt if he were in LA or NYC, he'd probably be a first teamer...instead of stuck in the rain belt up in the PNW...where the rest of the NBA pundits never, ever tread...too bad...

The Wall...need I say more?...now, there is a battle between Mexico and the US...they are gonna sanction us...what?...it's our companies down there...ah yes, yea of no Trump faith...here is your fodder...well, you gots lots to go, I reckon...

Let's go Let's go Let's go...


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