The happiest of new years to you all...may this one be better than the last...well, now, I'm not talking politics...however, we all do need hugs sometime...and a couple from NYC just may need it the most...stop it, Horse...

Hey, were you out doing the celebrating thinger?...in our fine town...it was raining big time...so all the festivities were done inside...we?...were nestled all snug in our bed...waiting for Saint...wait, that's wrong...but, we were not out...still recouping from two nights ago...ha ha...

The thud you heard from NYC, was the career of your fav, Mariah Carey...as she so eloquently put it "shit happens"...right at 'the ball dropping time' in Times Square...in front of the gazillions watching on the pixels...the dang lipsynch curse occurred....one of her other songs starting playing...as she was sanging (?) something else...Milli Vanilli who?...

Horrendous shooting and killing at a night club in Turkey...like 39 dead...and many more wounded...the rumor is that the cowardly killer was wearing a Santa Cap...and...still at large...do we not see way too many of these things?...one is too many...

Clemson vs Alabama for the D-1 title...repeat trip...they went at it last year, too...here me out...this time it will be the Tigers turn to romp...they are loaded...and, have a much better O...in my mind, easily the best 2 in the country...BTW, onions to all the east coast pundits, who have been hammering home the Big 10 on the rest of the nation...again...boooo...

Facebook....it is way cool to see the posts of those boogying the night away at their parteehs...is that not sharing?...with these pix, there goes the need to have a reunion, right?...we see what all looks like...and that is enough, right?...now, THAT is a controversial statement...maybe...

Has there been a more brutal fight than that of Rhonda Rousey?...48 seconds and she was knocked silly....do they even consider 'concussion protocol?'...why on earth would anyone ever do THAT for a living?...listen, she needs to get out of that 'sport'...

Upon completing 'The Whistler', triggered me to start the book, 'Wampum'...new one on the emergence of the 'Indian Casino'...except, this is not a novel...but the REAL story...I must tell you right now...it is fascinating...look it up...

Do you have them damn resolutions for the new year thinger?...nope, me neither...just wanna get thinner by magic...hmmm, maybe I should call the K Fam Dr and see what he(she?) can do...a little tuck here, a little botox there, and a little fill in my booty...wait, no, just kidding...

OK...I was on a 'meat hunt' yesterday at our local market...it was turrible....have come to this conclusion...gonna go to Costco...and buy it there...and freeze what we don't cook right away...you do this?...

Chas Barkley...one time star player in the NBA...gave the quote...that the league is a disaster now...hmmm...more teams than ever...thus, watered down...well...I'm the guy who wants to go back to 2 refs per game...apparently, there is not enough qualified blokes to do this...

Finally...this is called 'resisting temptation'...somebody has been siphoning off the Jim Beam...whiskey...from my liquor bar...I have my suspicions...but, will not name names...hmmm...so I bought a big bottle of it...and am NOT going to open it...nope...didn't last night...and just see who the culprit is... yea YOU...I'm gonna catch you...

TG, the regular season for the NFL finishes up today...whew...


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