Monday Decaf

Hope you weren't born on this date...bloody Feb 29th...the leap year thinger...what? can the originators put this date in the cycle?"ll just get a birthday one time out of 4...duh...I suppose of all the things that are haywire, this is one of the smaller ones...

The didn't have to wait long for Chris Rock to bring up the diversity, the Black was the driving point throughout the show...and, my friends, it was a loooooonnnng one...will say that the Leo DiCaprio winning speech was a beaut...he is a pro...

My good friend from the PNW, Snookie...advised me about an alternative to the above show...the Ducks were hosting the Dawgs in guy's, THERE is diversity!...ah hem...just awful officiating...both ways, mind UO continues their lead in the Pac 12...surprising more, than the fact that Snooki is WATCHING hoops...anywhere, any time...ha ha...

Had this feeling that I would hit the Pick 5 again...nope...dang the Pick 3...and got enough winners to break was fun...hmmm...the Off Track...Striders...loads of peops there...think it has to be making it...

Our Nashville trip on the horizon...putting all the ducks in line, is always a hassle...but fun...when do we do the bills?...wait until the 1st?...real dilemma...right?...just the items that one has to check off on the to do list...BTW, do you have a good app for this on your smart phone?...mine sucks...

We have FOG!...what the heck?...weird...dang, we have been so spoiled lately...having summer type weather for over 10 + days...just thought you'd want to know, if you live elsewhere...

Girl Scout you buy them?...used to...the mint choc ones...Chris Rock brought them to light on the telecast...

Trump at 49%!...that's the latest poll numbers for the Repubs...that's got to freak out the RNC and the Rubio clan...what?...the Donald pleaded ignorance on the KKK and it's leader...they have said they, too, endorse him...Marco and Rafael (Ted) are attacking this...reminder, kids, the mud slinging will increase today...wonder what the big item will be today?...

You do know that you can't compare different generations of sports, right?...this blah blah blah by the oldsters in Pro Hoops is a joke...get over it guys...

Adam Scott won the Bear Trap T...narrowly beating Sergio...all else fell it was survival at it's best...these guys hit the ball so long!...and straight...can't relate...

Back to the of the "experts" on the telecast...judging what the peops were wearing...well, the gals...was Kris K...give me a break...can't we just all agree to let that Klan go away peacefully?...

Super Tuesday...the tell tale votes...tomorrow...just have to think that it will be clearer picture for us all...12 states...amazing, really...

This is baseball can't dip in Boston, LA, or SF...what?...the heck?...what you talking about, Horse?...the league won't let you chew tobacco anymore at those spots...geez...should be everywhere...BTW, nothing worse than putting through the spit on the greens in golf...yuck...

Have a great day!...


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