The Electoral College...yup, that one...meets on Monday to do the formality part of the vote for Prez...there are those Demos that are holding out that there will be a revolt...and the members of it, will change their ballot over to Hillary...nope, won't happen...it would be the coup of all time for this country and deem this constitution, worthless...get over it...the USA doesn't want her as Prez...12 years of rejection should suffice...
Minnesota Gophers...the college, er university...whatever...what is the diff?...anyway...their football team has a date here at the Holiday Bowl versus Washington St...but...there are problems back home...10 or so of it's players have been suspended for stuff...and get this...there is a revolt of sorts...that they are NOT coming to the bowl game...so they are threatening...what?...who gets their bags of goodies, if they don't come?...
AI...for you old time NBA junkies...Allen Iverson...the Philly star...who got more notoriety for a comment he made about "practice?...it's just practice"...back in his day of play...has spoken out about this latest fad of sitting out games by the present day 'stars'...he'd never have done it...same was said by Chauncey Phillips...he said it was an honor to play in an NBA game...my how times and players have changed...boooooo...
Thank you to all that have commented on yesterday's blog...it was heartfelt...but, it all was true...many have similar stories to tell...I just have the venue...please, pass my blog on...I appreciate it...
Today I go out and play in a golf T...it's a modified 'scramble' one...2 player...start off by each hitting a shot...then you play each other's hit...then...it's find the balls...and both hit the best of what's left...ha ha...sounds like a 5 hour round to me...maybe 6...not the time, to push your golf cart in lieu of riding...
Well, I gotta get ready...have a wonderful day...
8 days left...