Time of the Season

Time for the weird and wack weather changes...yesterday, it got up to the high 70's...we took a long bike ride to our fav deli over on Harbor Island...no wind whatsoever...it was surreal and wondrous...and...there were a million people milling about...and as many cars going nowhere...slowly....took a break...then went to an open air dindin spot in Little Italy for some cluck...you heard that right...cluck...brand new one....with the Mackles...finished off the eve at their spot, high atop this building...and I served as DJ...cranked up the Sonos...it was great fun...but...

Today it is to rain...thunder and lightning...hard to believe...as it is still mighty mild out right now...but, I believe them weather persons...it will change...dang...

The most popular site for eating in SD is now Little Italy...so many new restaurants and bars have opened...and, curiously, very few street people...how does that happen?...

Is it just me, or...

Is the US showing how vulnerable we are, admitting that the Russians may have hacked our voting scheme?...why are we so adamant to put this info out to the world?...if it smells fishy, it must be...

Israel setting up living sites on captured Palestinian land, makes it difficult for the US to say that it is OK to do so...are they not stretching the limits of what we can sanction?...help me out here to understand their position...

After finishing the book, "The Whistler", is the only way that anyone can interfere with corruption at an 'Indian Casino', is by the FBI?...seems like something is wrong here...and I am Native!...

There is more 'targeting' in these buffoon bowl games than ever before?...when a player strikes an opponent with his helmet...brutal hits...they get ejected and have to sit the 1st half of the opening game next year, that is, if they go back to school...kids, these are way too often, meaningless games to the players...

It is so hard to find a flick to actually go sit and see in a movie house...the hype is there, but the product is far less a reality...we find ourselves, watching oldy ones...hmmm...how about u?...

This month went way too quickly...as today, we take everything down...and store for yet another year...I absolutely lurve the season...and the music...next year?...we are hitting the road to see what's what in Tenn and NY...at Xmas time...

The transition of Prez O to Prez T is not going smoothly...anything but...who's at fault?...hard to believe it is DNC to RNC....as I'm not too sure that Prez T is that affiliated to the Repubs...weird and wack?...

Studying for the annual 'Horse Best and Worst' of the year...is a bit of a task...it's easy to recall the last couple of months....but last January seems a long time ago...well, it is...

The rain has begun...boo...


Barb said…
Stay dry Horse...Sammy have a raincoat?!
Movies...we're enjoying a trial month with Netflix; so far 4 good "old" ones: The Spotlight, Immitation Man, Tracks, Defiance...nothin' wrong with old, right? I watched Sound of Music on flight home from NZ and for the 1st time, Casablanca. Love the oldies.
Cheers to the New Year...may we not be thoroughly put through turmoil by the results of electoral...positive thinking...I think I can, I think I can...

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