Best...and Worst of '16

The arena is packed...the nominees are in...all the seats are filled with those waiting for the results...and here we have...Horse's Best... and Worst of this year, 2016...sure, there were many ways we could go with these...some are just ridiculous...and too bizarre...some are heart warming....however, the lists are I start with the Best or with the Worst?...OK, let's go with the Best...


The Election...without a doubt the best story of the year...there is nothing even remotely close...nuttin...with DJ Trump emerging from nowhere...and trampling all the 17 in front of him...and then the impossible...beating the DNC's choice, for the past 12 years, Ms Clinton, in the final race...well, I couldn't write it like this a year ago...could anyone see this happening?...nope..

Da took 108 years of frustration for the dahlings of Chi Town to win the World Series...closet Cub fans rejoiced...way cool for the Pad fans as they had some of their oldies be part of it...and well, it was the GREAT sport story of the year...

Iphone 7 plus camera...think about this...we used to buy these high dollar cameras that we would strap on our necks for pix taking...whenever we went on our, we take this little device that we talk through, check the web net on, and take these amazing photos with...the cell phone...for me, the Apple's iphone...amazing...

Sonos...wireless speakers...starts with the sound bar beneath your TV...and connects to the surround speakers...without them damn wires...and it has terrific sound output...Dolby something...and then...add more speakers throughout your house or condo...all connected to that more need of a huge receiving component...really...check it out...hey, it's not cheap...

Stocks...the market is absolutely crazy...good!...especially rose...when you know who, won the election...have no idea what, when or why...but those who do, know...that kind of reminds me of Kramer, who said to just 'write it off'...if your in, you account thanks you...

Vinyl resurgence...yes, this connects to my Sonos, too...more and more peops are releasing their stuff on vinyl...and lordy, it's fun to go thru shops of oldies to find hidden gems...great hobby and the sound is have a turntable?...

Friends and family...of course, this could be every year...and why not?...have me golfing buddies...that are cool old amigos and amigas from the Pacific Northwest...that we still stay in connection present day Pinnacle peops...that keep this building  sane for us...and our newly expanded family in Santa Barbara...son and his new bride...

Now, for the list of lists...I just may be way too negative...but I have more of the Worst than the goes...


Jill Stein...a candy woman for the Presidency....representing one of them other parties...that tried to prolong the results of the absurdly asking for she had a chance...waste of time and money...for her 15 minutes of, for the Horse, shame...

Trump Tweets...for all the ways that possible Prez people communicated in the's DJ uses social media...this is  the newbie...and not in a good way...think about it...there were the 'Fireside Chats' we have the 'Thursday Tweets'....awful and degrading to the highest office in our land...right?...

Chicago...the wild wild west apparently....where there are more shootings and killings on a weekly basis than the fictional towns of yesteryear...there is more to the story...but the latest, is that there is less police in the affected area than in the past year...what?...have we just given up?...

Zoolander II...can this possibly be?...I will say, that Zoolander was the worst movie of all time...of ALL time...and some brainiac, decided to make another...oh my...and...

Any OJ Flick...have we no conscious? was horrendous to go thru this in the real time in the 90's...but, to have to relive it on the big screen, or on the pixels...well, it was the worst era of our judicial system...LIVE!....

Kardashians...see we can continue to ogle at what the doctors can do to alter people? they make money upon money....'famous cuz they're famous'...just try and look at any news source...and not see one of them in it...oh my...

Colin Kaepernick...NFL football bloke, who plays for the SF 49ers...started the kneel down craze as the national anthem is played...did so to rebel against the unfair practices thrust upon the minorities, blacks in he cashed his $15 million dollar check...yea, right...

Yes, I could go on...I'm sure you have yours...maybe you will disagree with mine...that is OK...I must say that I have had more readers than ever...and I thank you for taking time out of YOUR spend a little time with the Horse...

Happy New Year!


Barb said…
My humble opinion - I put our Presidential election on "worst list" as I DO every 4 years - the $$$$$$$$$$s, promises & lies bring on flu-like symptoms...yes, I'm very sensitive (laughing too)!
Happy New Year to you & yours ♡ Cheers Horse!!

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