What Da Heck?

ABC has this for it's promo today...and, gulp, many of you are NOT gonna like it...they have Trump in the lead!...is this April?...is this real?...as the Horse has been saying for 6 months, this will be a tight one...so there you go...you HAVE to get out and vote, kids...what will be released today?...last minute shenanigans?...
Da Cubbies in yet another do or die...it's just a saying...but it's a win or go home...and the "Indians" will have their turn to rejoice...but hold on...I think that Chicago has one more in 'em and sends this to a game 7...which the whole nation wants...well, those who like beisbol...and, those not in Cleveland...
You following any of the pipeline stuff in North Dakota?...the Natives (and others) don't want the oil line to go through their land...protesting so...and the powers to be figure they can push forward..."it's only them Injuns"...hey now now...
After the big Horse FF victory, the owner of the opponent...who got trampled by the wave of scores...took it so hard, that he changed his name...in shame...it's like getting beat by " the worst team in all of fantasy sports"...with that, Coach Bohunk gets a raise in pay!...
Your loser out of Ohio, Kasich...remember him from the Prez lineup in the primaries?...says he isn't gonna vote for the Repub candy man, but instead, put his tally for John McCain...what?...what decade is this dude in?...
Mark this on your calendar...and I will remind you again...the CMA's are tomorrow nite...ABC, I think...it will be great...trust the Horse on this...almost live...well, tape delay for us west coasters...
My goatee is pretty much in...geez...I'm at a loss for words...it itches...just goes to show ya, that Natives CAN grow facial hair...take that all you doubters...
Hey now, I am getting out to the links...gonna walk...which means I'm gonna be hurting later on...let's see...water jug...check...extra balls...check...tees...check...golf watch...check...tip $...check...sun glasses...check...cigars...check...birdie bottle...check...think I'm ready...FORE!...