Shopping Mania

Yesssiree Bob, when is the last time you really, c'mon really, did all your Xmas shopping in November? yourself a jump start on the rest of the peops...finding just the perfect gift for, I guess...this thing called 'Cyber Monday'...shoot, there is a name for each day of this week...all...on the web many ads do you get to your cell phone?...BTW, who still has a land line?...probably if you still live in a rancher...that you bought 20+ years ago...I digress...

Used to be...not THAT long ago...that this day was filled with peops running into catch the deal of deals...not as bad as Black Friday, but the businesses had to find ways to lure you, it's mostly the Amazons, Ebays, Macys (yup!), and on and on of the world...that trigger you to go on their web site...and YOU buy...right?...

OK, call me THAT guy...who finds this pattern of football boring...both college and pro...sorry, you purists...but the grind it out, 3 yards and a cloud of fake too much for coaches are like adjusts, finds some success, a new style of play...and then many follow up...well now, the 'fast break' has been falling more and more of them coaching dudes are changing BACK...yuck...

The tree is up and the area looks FANTASTIC!, I must say...the glory of the fake'd never put up a freshly cut one in the stand in thing that we added...via the hot show 'Shark Tank', is an add on set of lights that cover the tree from the top is way cool...changes colors and methods of lighting streams...hey, listen, I'm all about innovation...

To spell ourselves from that boring FB, we turned on Apple TV...and searched in the Netflix catalogue, for some movie to get lost in...settled on a classic 'To Catch A Thief'...Cary Grant and Grace about naturally beautiful people...we discussed this...who, now, is naturally pretty?...with all the KFam body and facial alterations this part of society...there are none, right?...

Grace Kelly...she only made 2 movies after this hitched to a Prince...then quit the 26!...had no idea...retired from the big screen for a life as a Monaco...never been there...course, it's over the pond...and I've never been over the pond...not enough pills to get me there, I reckon...

NBA...this elongated season...and the sheep coaching style...of now resting dudes more often...the fad....means that there are times you go...and your 'star' is resting...ha ha...BTW, how does the mighty power of the Clip Joint only score 70 points in an entire game?...GS does that by half time...give me a break and my money's like going and seeing the Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger is taking the night off...tonight, singing the lead, is Bill Wyman...what?... active shooter at Ohio St University...when does this ever end?...

Lame is the term for a coach on the hot seat...and imminently going to get the axe...such is the rumor out of Eugene, OR...but...supposedly he and his staff are on the recruiting trail....maybe, he is getting another's a tough job...however, you do get paid real well...

After telling you to buy the Amy Grant Xmas CD...mixed reviews...Marsh doesn't like, her music, I think...I like there you go...'Tennessee Christmas'...

Your girl Rosie accusing Prez-elect Trump's son as having autism...she's a beaut...

Can you give me the rationale of the Green Party candy a throw money at recounts in some states...duh...Jill it would do her any good...this is the most press she has had for the last year...maybe that's her schtick...loves the limelight...oh my...

The Horse has seemed to have lost his cooking prowess...repeated errors...last night was a recipe that I followed to a T....bone-in pork chops...turned out dry and there one out there that makes them moist and tender?...I am totally at a loss and Marsh says she is taking the kitchen back over...well, it's been like 30 years...ha ha...

Today...we go out to the Xmas store in you so many ideas...just not sure where we have left to I must be innovative...ha ha...

To the web net, Batman....

Finally...where do these stores find all these diamonds? there not a steady stream of them in the world that were just discovered?...hmmm....


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