As Ohio goes, so goes the nation...what?...good morning, kids...as we count down the hours 'til the election voting begins...and ends...Horse has this insight for you...watch very closely to the results out of the great state of Ohio...this will give us all as where the night of nights will head...one of my many bugaboos, is that all the voting polls don't close at the same time...my guess is that the race will be over before the ones out here in SoCal will close shop...and many peops will have not voted...
Early voters there...a new service, I guess...has Hillary up 48-41 over the Donald...reported by CBS...have no reason to doubt this...hmmm...an indicator?...too bad we as a nation can't vote by mail...as does the PNW state of Orygun...we do, too...via the method of asking for it...much easier and better to have all the items in front of you...pamphlet nearby to help...I know, those of you who are followers, think that I want a vote by the web net...use your SS number as your ID....well, with the recent hacking by...whomever...maybe it would have too many glitches...
Anyway...there are a bunch of ifs...one can make a case for either side...yes, I do think that it will be a Clinton win...but bet on it?...nope...just think that too many people will do the "Survivor" voting method...."and now it's time to vote"...you will walk up to the booth, and not know, then you sigh...and darken, er shade, in your mark for the 'best' candidate...hmmm...and...I think that many of you don't there is a 'best' one...am I right or am I right?...
No loser...ha ha...wait...did I change topics?...yes...talking the Titans/Bolt game...first of all, it was hotter than the preverbal 'hell' where our seats were...20 rows up...these are both of my teams...so there was no loser...our reason for going, QB Mariota, of them Ducks...had an iffy night...still, the Tennessee D is not there...yet...and the Chargers did play well...and won the match...
It's in the bag...yup...my FF team won it's 2nd straight!...have one more member in action tonight and am up by 30...so...I should say, it appears to be a W...let's see, if I win out, HC Bohunk will be coach of the year...to think, I found him lounging about at the 'Children's Park'...
Back to the election...the FBI bloke decided to drop all the nonsense on Ms Clinton...what the heck?...the whole situation was very odd...and makes me wonder about his stability in his job...he has to be on the hot seat...
Clearly, as much as the HC out of Oregon, is...another terrible loss...and the Hellfrich doubters are growing larger and larger...at least, their numbers are...this is based on FOX sports...not really...it's just a hunch...but...it is time to go in another direction...
Let's turn on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the Oprah Network(s) to see where this day is going to go in this bloody election...
Finally here are the states that will drive this wagon....the aforementioned Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan...'battleground'...
Early voters there...a new service, I guess...has Hillary up 48-41 over the Donald...reported by CBS...have no reason to doubt this...hmmm...an indicator?...too bad we as a nation can't vote by mail...as does the PNW state of Orygun...we do, too...via the method of asking for it...much easier and better to have all the items in front of you...pamphlet nearby to help...I know, those of you who are followers, think that I want a vote by the web net...use your SS number as your ID....well, with the recent hacking by...whomever...maybe it would have too many glitches...
Anyway...there are a bunch of ifs...one can make a case for either side...yes, I do think that it will be a Clinton win...but bet on it?...nope...just think that too many people will do the "Survivor" voting method...."and now it's time to vote"...you will walk up to the booth, and not know, then you sigh...and darken, er shade, in your mark for the 'best' candidate...hmmm...and...I think that many of you don't there is a 'best' one...am I right or am I right?...

It's in the bag...yup...my FF team won it's 2nd straight!...have one more member in action tonight and am up by 30...so...I should say, it appears to be a W...let's see, if I win out, HC Bohunk will be coach of the year...to think, I found him lounging about at the 'Children's Park'...
Back to the election...the FBI bloke decided to drop all the nonsense on Ms Clinton...what the heck?...the whole situation was very odd...and makes me wonder about his stability in his job...he has to be on the hot seat...
Clearly, as much as the HC out of Oregon, is...another terrible loss...and the Hellfrich doubters are growing larger and larger...at least, their numbers are...this is based on FOX sports...not really...it's just a hunch...but...it is time to go in another direction...
Let's turn on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and the Oprah Network(s) to see where this day is going to go in this bloody election...
Finally here are the states that will drive this wagon....the aforementioned Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan...'battleground'...