Seven Decades

The last out of the game ...were 2 Cubans facing off...Da Cubs Chapman ( thanks NY Yanks!) and the Bums Puig...each have harrowing tales of defecting from that Communist Isl of Cuba...which includes $ laundering via Mexico...and more...things have changed there now...apparently...I mean, bring on them cigars...
Some real dandies in the collegiates...Penn St upset Ohio St on some incredible special team plays...that school has gone thru some extreme rough times...and it was way cool to see the celebration thereafter...the Dawgs continued their streak in beating the Beavs...but...OSU is getting better (see yesterday)...WSU took it to ASU...the lowlight was the handshake after the the Sun Devil coach ripped the Coug dude...BTW, the state of Wash is leading the north in the Pac12...
Da polls say that there is a 5 point BS...the Horse Poll has Hillary up by 14 points and rising...the Trump campaign is like the Titanic...more people jumping off before it totally sinks...this is a totally unscientific one...and don't write to me...I did not say, that I favored one over the know, that I AM an independent...
Da golf...a pair of matching 45's...the driving was putting was better than hip felt was a "stay on the cart path", I did a lot of walking...the bad...I kept sliding my irons under the ball...wet they have been overseeded and watering thereof...not good at picking the ball...and, it was 91* and no wind...
Da weather...supposed to change to maybe like...wait for it...some rain...not Orygun type...but the wet thingers that fall from the clouds in the sky...geez, that sounded like Native talk...and a week of 70, cooler...
The best most of them news sources have is that the attorney Gloria Aldred, has paraded out another Trump accuser...number 11, if you are counting...lets see, if he loses, will this all go away?...and Gloria, too? this how she makes a living?...
The iPhone 7 battery is much better than the 6's...after a lot of ended the day at 40%...not great, but def an improvement...and the camera in it, is way way superior...
My FF team goes at it again today...need some fine efforts of my dudes...duh...right now hold a 43 point top is predicted to reach like 90....geez, I am smelling another loss...just telling it like it is...
Staying negative...da Ducks 5 game losing streak is their worst since the 90's...1990's, not 1890' I guess that is good...wait, maybe not...and I keep getting asked out at the club, "what's wrong with your Ducks?", I wore a SDSU shirt...made no diff...still got the UO Q...I responded with "time to clean house"...
VP Joe Biden...made a statement that he'd like to take the Donald behind a gym and have at fight...hey now...this would be a battle royal...and I'd pay to watch it..."in this corner"...
Does the LPGA play in the states anymore? wonder they can't get a following...right?...