Native American Day

Morning kids...let's all celebrate the Native American Day...what?...hey's Columbus Day, and we all get to take a day off...blasphemy...alright...the bloody state of South Dakota switched things up, like some 25 years ago or so...changed the day of recognition from the dude who sort of found this country, that the "Injuns" really didn't...from Chris Columbus to them "Indians" day...of course, it did not catch on for the rest of the country...a few other states have since adopted a day...just not on this California, "celebrates" it on the 4th Monday of every 12th year of the spinner cycle of the moon...I digress...

There was a terrific episode of the now legendary "Sopranos" of the HBO channel, er network, or whatever it is...where there was a clash between the Italians and them bloody "Injuns" over who should we be, celebrating...interesting that it would come down to this...well, it is to moi...hey, at least you can root for the baseball team that is still playing in the MLB Playoffs...them Cleveland Indians...there you go, honor them boyz...

OK now...I may be full of sarcasm...there have been days in my life that people have thrown shade at me...if I had a buck ($) for every time that I have been called "Chief", "Red Man", "Indian", "Injun", "Cochise", or others just as descriptive, I'd have at least $10 grand...maybe more...a form of endearment, I suppose...not always...I got that a lot when I was going to school...and especially, in college...point is...people can find ways to be get even...I finally embraced it...took it on and as you can see, actually named my blog after one of the most ferocious defenders of my, er our...race..."Crazy Horse"...

Part because of the name, and part for the way I think...which is not always mainstream...nor compliant to the average joe...and hopefully, why you read me every day...I trust I tickle you in some don't have to agree with fact, at times, I hope you don't...not that I would write to inflame your mind...ha

That incredible debate last eve...was that a spectacle or what?...I envisioned more of the peops jumping from the Trump no other...the scene was set...the Repubs were cringing in their shoes...expecting the inevitable...shellacking like no other...why didn't he just give it up?...hey...the dude has quite a past on dealing with them "Injuns", stay on topic...I digress...

Somehow, he wiggled out of the turmoil his mouth got him into...the gibberish that he and the now infamous Billy Bush, talked most candidly about...withstood the 15 minutes of shame...and then went on the attack of Ms Clinton...mostly made a mockery of the political system that we have...and there you have it...BTW, the moderators were one time, the gal went on a rant herself...debating with the Donald...what?...who is running for Prez?...

Anyway...somehow...he is still standing...and the race continues...I guess...his campaign chair, was asked if she was in it for the long haul...she responded "yes, until..."...lawdy...MSNBC went ballistic!...they got her right back and on and she clarified...unless she gets sick...or the like...her family does...whatever...makes you wonder what else is out there to release...right?... who have been reading all this until I got to my sports you go...finally....

The Chargers found yet another way to lose a game...this time by a muffed place holder snap for the tying field goal...incredible the ways that this team implodes...and you must fear that the HC will be the 1st bloke to get the dreaded pink slip...

How does the HC of them Ducks survive the awful start, give up a record (er, near) 70 points...and keep his position?...I'm still debating my trip up north next month for the Stanford game...who, is also floundering...go figure...

Of course, you want the report on my fatal fantasy football team...fuggit about it...see, I can stay in character for YOUR day...I'm up by 6 going into tonight's game...and my opponent has their D to go...which means, I lose again...and I am going to fire my HC shortly thereafter...

I have no idea when they play these baseball games...couldn't even find the one on the pixels yesterday...maybe, it wasn't on...

At least you can go down to your local some shopping for whatever...get your $14.92 off something that you have to, take 14.92% off whatever...something clever that the store can come up with using that year that CC founded this uninhabited piece of earth...right?...

All right...are we talking spaghetti or fry bread?...


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