Dough-NUT is the day that I double check if we have everything in flight times, and flight, duh...correct date of check in at hotel...rental car and type thereof...we have the one that when you get there, you bypass any lines...make sure your name is on the board...and walk to your car...and voila! you go...Hertz Gold...
The AA Padres (demoted) got beat yet again, supposedly as the home team...on the Bosox go...with real hopes for post season play...and the Pads, go again to readjust their next season lineup...and give the locals new hope for the '17 all you want AJ, about the trades you made....but we are severely lacking at the number one spot on any baseball is amazing how the Trib buys into your shenanigans...not the Horse...not one bit...
So, you love your pro football do all starts up tonite...the champs, the Broncos, are the the Carolina Panthers...should be great defensive play...and I pick the visitors as the winners...don't think I have a FF dude going from my just mildly interested...the game that has the most attention for moi, is the Tennessee and Minnesota one...just got this feeling that Mariota is gonna be a hit this year...
Debate? was the one that has each of the candy peops sit down and answer Q's in a town hall front of Vets...NBC's Matt Lauer was the host...I chose not to watch it...turned out that I did see some of the Donald's...the pundits reaction?...that Lauer did a poor job...wait...who was being judged?...the moderator?...give me a break... the real one is on Sept 26...that will be worth the money...ha ha...
OK, kids, get out and make this a great Thursday...