
Is it not impossible to be aghast at the things that come out of Mister Trump's mouth?...I mean...I am trying to stay on the fence on this election...but I am leaning, er TEETERING a bit left...how can you not?...there is a song that Blake Shelton sings..."the more I drank, the more I drank"...OK, it does have the slight twang to it...but. DT could sing..."the more I talk, the more I talk", and it ain't good...perhaps, the smartest move that Hillary could do, is not say anything...just stay out of the way of the Donald...as he is probably destroying himself, all by himself...you KNOW I don't want to go there...as I so dearly want to wait for the debates...

BREAKING...maybe...a lot of commotion about a drop out of the race by Trump...could be a lot of hot air...but...the Republicans are FURIOUS at him...stay tuned...

OK, I am not giving you specifics...I don't have to...just open up any of the sites on your web net...or, if you have a printed newspaper that is fit to be read, it is there, too...find for me...somewhere...anywhere...a person from the Repubs that is endorsing him...Guiliani, I get him...any others?...I tell ya, this is getting more and more bizarre...and one sided...maybe those of you who say this will be a landslide, you are so right...hmmm...

Hey, my vote can't be bought either...well, unless you put the keys of a brand new VW Camper Van in my hand...wait...no, that won't do...I don't think...just kidding, Demos...

The Prospects are emerging in the lineup...of the Padres...er, the Prospects...a rookie SS has taken over there now...Rondon...Blash has been stuck into the RF slot...BTW, his wack job misplay of a fly ball, led to the loss last eve...oh my...in a month, September...when the price is right on bringing up the rest of the youngins...it's a MLB cost saving feature...a catcher will take over...as will another OF...Trader AJ will smile and we will be in judgment...

One bloke who felt like his team was getting the raw deal in Philly...did what the people do there, so it is said...barked his feelings out at the home plate umpire...I mean, you can't yell at the manager, who is hidden in the dugout...can you?...anyway...the ump, Bob Davidson...must have got new hearing aids...and, new spectacles...as he could pick out the guy who was trash talking him...and had the bloke ejected...wait a minute...kids...

Every stadium has a beer patrol...to handle those who get outta control...this ump, accused the bloke of being intoxicated....what?...apparently, Bobby, was spending as much time listening to the fan, as he was calling balls and strikes...this, my good friends, is what we call...RABBIT EARS!...booooooooooooooo....you suck!...no, I was not in Philly...

Lesson to you who have credit cards...check the bills over carefully...I thought I did...I have been missing an item that had been going on for about 6 months...how dumb am I?...some dude or whoever, has been using my number to reload their Starbucks Card...at $10 a pop...just so I don't see it in the overall things that show up...I have heard that that is a thing with that coffee card...anyway, I canceled the card...I am stoopid...

Snooki's stay here was great...and we did finalize a home and home switch...he is coming here for a Mariota led Titan/Charger game and I'm going there for the Stanford/Duckee one...a good year for both Tennessee and Oregon?...let's hope...

Let's keep an eye on the North Koreans, please...they keep testing their missile system...that landed in Japanese waters...could Trump handle this crisis?...keep that in your mind...and ponder it...you know, I just saw a Madam Secretary rerun that I missed...the best show on the pixels...you into it, yet?...trust Horse...not too sure if there is a connect to the beginning of the paragraph...but maybe there is...

I've played at golf only once in 3 weeks...and the last time wasn't so good...got Saturday on the schedule...fore!...stay outta my way...it could get very ugly...I could go practice...as AI said, "practice?"....or as CC told me more than once "why would anyone practice that swing?"...right, I think I'll go for a swim in lieu....

Been awhile...but how has the stock market been treating ya?...me too, got no clue...all the threats about the European declining markets...was just short lived...and the US market has been thriving...who knows?...my money man, JJ does...

I think I have talked about most every avenue on the block.


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