Show Some Class

This game of baseball...MLB...can be a frustrating particular, the endless amount of trades that the teams make...inevitably, it's the teams that may or can make the playoffs...and the ones who can't and want to build for the future...I can see up the organization by giving up the here and now...for these bloody "prospects"...

In fact, that is what Trader AJ is doing with our San Diego is the rub...he is trading, er gifting, the guys that he brought in...when he took over the job last year...weird...right?...even odder is that the management is buying right into the turn about...OK...done deal...and let's wait and see if the latest ploy'll take time...perhaps longer than AJ Preller will actually be here...

We have traded many of them blokes away already...done...but...there is a snafu that smells up our San Diego Brass...and then all of us...Executive Director Ron Fowler...has been bad mouthing those who we traded away...these same dudes that he was so proud to stand by, when they first put on the Padre uniform at the beginning of last season....SHOW SOME CLASS!...fuggit about saying these negative things, dude...they are got rid of 'em...find something positive to say about the players you have in the organization now...

Listen, you are making us all look bad to the rest of the baseball are embarrassing us...quit your rambling on...we are much better than this...don't tear us down in front of all MLB...


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