Jellybean Day

You ever thought that it couldn't have been a more colorful day than this one? the Jellybeans? they even make them any more?...the sun is out...the sky is blue...the grass is green...the cars are feel like having a cold, frothy root beer...see?'s a gloriously colored day...

Me golf was green with new, er old, Ping Irons were tight and silver...the course was dried out and very brown...although the greens were more of a lighter shade of green...I wore a black hat, that shaded my very blonde hair...almost platinum, for those of you in the know...

The Padres had the day off, which is a very good thing...and will have their gold and blue on tonight, after traveling to the Steel City of Pittsburgh...Mgr Green has his lineup set, complete with the newbies, er Prospects dotting it...hopefully, the white balls will fly out of the park, hit by the good guys...

And what the heck is going on in the Rio Olympics? can there be a stare down by the SWIMMERS! cold blue...what? is swimming, dudes...swimming!!! there will be a brawl over it...oh my...

To finish off our day, we will hit a pizza joint for a pahty...multi-building one I suppose...hope that they have red tomatoes, green peppers, brown pepperoni...and lots of white mozzarella cheese on it...

Of course, we will have some beer and some white wine...and that, friends, is my jellybean day...


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