The Game

(actually 3)...for the National League...duh...Wil Myers and Drew Pomeranz...the 3rd is the traded closer, Fernando of the Fish...the GQ is alive and robust...we were out last night and I've never seen so many different jerseys all over the place...way, way cool...
The Home Run Derby was held last night...where the Fish's slugger, Giancarlo Stanton, was the clear winner...I taped it and watched portions later on...well, my handicapper buddy, Andy, texted me..."those balls were juiced!"...have to there were tape measure shots that were much further than any that we have seen in the 10 years since we've been here...hmmm...really?...BTW, Wil got beat in the 1st round, 11-10...
The Game...well now...there is a parade that goes right by our condo at kick the day off...of course, we'll be watching...then head on over to the ball park (Petco) at 2:30...Myers is in the starting lineup...batting clean-up as the DH...I'm not a fan of the American League position of the DH, er designated hitter, who does nothing but hit...doesn't play D at ha...anyway, am taping The Game...and will watch it later...but in real time, will be roaming the park...with a brewskie and a dog in hand...
Just this thought got in my brain...the parade is going on just as Sammi normally does her noon walk..."pardon me mam, but can you move a my dawg needs to take a dump where you are sitting..." about a star...
Mark this on your calendar you political groupies...7/12/16...the date that Bernie signed on and into the Hillary campaign...there you go...the Demos are set...well, except she hasn't named her VP selection...yet...does she balance the ticket or give the country more of her style of play?...that is the billion dollar Q...
Not so understanding the judicial system at times...the bloke that was arrested for the hate crimes on the homeless here...was released until he will be charged for the murders...what?...isn't he a potential menace to society?...I mean he has already spent prison time for lighting a person on fire...what am I missing?...
I did gander at the Bachelorette...last eve...hmmm...2 of the 4 remaining dudes look like they are twinsies...seems to me that a couple of them just have to be on 'roids...I mean c'mon...of course, you ladies out there, will say "so what" I right or am I right?...
The Dallas Police Chief told the world that their force is on high alert...what on earth is wrong with this, people?...the protection biz is upside KNOW what it is...the NRA, does too...someday, the Congress will KNOW, too...someday, when money doesn't trigger their voting patterns...
OK now...unlike the massive retirement party of Kobe Bryant in the NBA...where he lasted a whole season saying good bye...and each team honored him...just as deserving in his retirement, is the San Antonio's star, Tim Duncan...who quietly said that he is giving the game fan fare...I kind of know where he is coming from...that's what I did when I retired...just walked away...
Of course, when you leave the teaching profession, there is no watch for you...ha ha...a quick see ya...and a guarantee that your room will be filled by some other bloke or blokette next year...time marches on...
You have to look at the site of Amazon...they have sales all day...Amazon specials...sort of like Xmas shopping in July...or, so they say...BTW, who are THEY?...
Gonna be a nice day for The Game...72* and sunny...perfect...